What will this grow into?


12 Years
Dec 26, 2007
Tampa Bay, Florida
This is my McMurray Exotic Bonus Chick. Anyone know what breed it is?

I disagree with EE, I think it is going to be something else with muffs. One because the color would be unusual for an EE and 2 because the leg color. But I would agree with cockerel, because all the extras are almost always cockerels.
He doesn't look anything like the various Ameraucana chicks here http://www.ameraucana.org/scrapbook.html

dark to be Favs (also puffy cheeked) I think?

Clean legs so not silkie?

Thinking poof there has to be a mutt of some kind... I think... I'd lean to EE as well, since we know hatcheries sell EEs as Ameraucanas... and they are bound to have leftover cocks they'll use as peanuts... seems the most logical option... but I'll still root for the cutie to be a girl. Really is too early to tell unless you're a whiz at vent sexing... it COULD happen...
It is an Easter Egger (hatchery Ameruacana) chick. That color is actually pretty common for EE's from hatcheries and the muffs and leg color fit the description. Most of the time they are included as the rare or unusual chick because of their ability to lay colored egg (shades of blues, greens, pink/brown). Also, most of the time the freebies end up being cockerels. That's why a previous posted said EE cockerel as well.

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