What would a blue bulb be used for?


10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
I found a blue bulb (looks like a red heat lamp) in with my grandpas things. Im just curious as to what it would be for? Is it safe for chicken coops?
I googled it I guess its called a "blue flood lamp"
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That is just a blue flood light not a heat lamp bulb. For outdoor purposes mostly around your yard rather than standard white. Sure you could use indoors too but not for chickens.
It is possible to use the purple "night" lights (heat light for reptiles that you buy for aquariums) - when my girls were still chicks, they preferred that light over the red heat light. A flood light is as mentioned above, more for a decoration/mood setter.
The blue bulb works better than any bulb to stop pecking. .that's what it was used for. When a light was required for heat but pecking was a a problem then the blue bulb was used. Hope this helps.

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