What would be the benefits of building a larger run?

Just FYI there are metal zip ties as well as the plastic ones
Round 2 with the wire was a failure. It came in tangled and it was a royal pain to work with. It kept getting caught and kinked. We kept wasting wire over and over.

I guess the metal zip ties are next. They won't get here till next Tuesday. 😑
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Round 2 with the wire was a failure. It came in tangled and it was a royal pain to work with. It kept getting caught and kinked. We kept wasting wire over and over.

I guess the metal zip ties are next. They won't get here till next Tuesday. 😑
Believe me I know,the dream in your head and the reality are two entirely different things but keep plugging away it will work out fine🙃
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Then, we were going to use zip ties, but I was told that zip ties will degrade over time.
Some are rated for outdoor use. They are typically black. They should last longer outdoors than the usual white ones.

If you're willing to replace them regularly, zip ties can be a reasonable choice.

If you're in a hurry, you could also use zipties to start, and then add other fasteners as you find what is available and what you can make work.
When you see how fast they decimate every sign of living greenery growing in the run, you'll see why bigger is better. You can set it up so that you can rotate the area where they go, allowing the other area to regrow while they're off of it.
I did use metal zip ties in certain sections, they work well. & you use the end of the tie to release it it - poke it back through & the zip tie comes off. Of course cant see well enough without my glasses to work them. 😂
My fiancé and I are going to be building a new run soon. It has been expressed to us by some family members that a 20x10 run would be overkill for our 4 chickens. They say a 10x10 would be fine. Personally, I think that 20x10 is a great size, but I'd love to go with an even larger 30x10! They think I'm crazy but, thankfully, my fiancé and I are on the same page.

What would be the benefits of building a larger run? Or, for a small flock of 4 to 8 chickens, are there not going to be any real benefits?

Any input would be greatly appreciated! 😊
Here's what I did with my run (there is no coop):
- Large run area (More room for poop to spread and dried out, less smell)
- Direct Contact with soil (The soil microbes help breakdown the poop)
- Deep Litter Method (Give time for poop to decompose and mixed in the soil)
- Designed it like a greenhouse (Sunlight gets in and kills bacteria)
- Add plants, the more the better (Plants and soil microbes help breakdown poop)
- Spray Probiotic Water in the run once every 2-3 weeks (Add beneficial bacteria to the deep litter)
- Mix Probiotic and Charcoal Powder in the feed (Reduce Odor significantly)
- Free Range during the day (Less poop in the run/coop)

I have 30 chickens in 5,000 sqft run. So every night, the chickens sleep on the roosting bars in the run. During the day the sunlight will shine on the roosting area, so it will dry up their poop and disinfect it.

So far this method worked for me, I haven't cleaned the run in 6 months and it doesn't smell.

Here if you want to check out my chickens: https://www.youtube.com/@sleepychicken19/videos

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- Designed it like a greenhouse (Sunlight gets in and kills bacteria)
- Free Range during the day (Less poop in the run/coop)
Another benefit to free ranging during the day: your chickens are not getting overheated in the greenhouse area.

Thanks for sharing that! I enjoy reading about different ways of housing chickens-- that one's new to me, but it sounds like it works really well in your climate for your chickens!
My fiancé and I are going to be building a new run soon. It has been expressed to us by some family members that a 20x10 run would be overkill for our 4 chickens. They say a 10x10 would be fine. Personally, I think that 20x10 is a great size, but I'd love to go with an even larger 30x10! They think I'm crazy but, thankfully, my fiancé and I are on the same page.

What would be the benefits of building a larger run? Or, for a small flock of 4 to 8 chickens, are there not going to be any real benefits?

Any input would be greatly appreciated! 😊
I am new to chickening and my run is 6 X 14, plus another 10 SF under the hen house. I am getting only four hens week after next as we are still putting on the roof. I have read that 10 sf per bird is adequate. I have 94 sf, so almost 25 sf per bird. If you can do bigger, go for it. It can't hurt.

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