What would be the best heat source for my homemade incubator?


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Winchester, TN
I am building a homemade incubator 30 inches by 30 inches and 12 inches high. I would like to hear what yall think would be the best and the most cheap heating source? I'm thinking Flex Watt Heat tape?
Thanks for any suggestions!
anything but a lightbulb hooked to a hot water thermostat. This was a disaster. I tried all the advise of how to mount it, front back, next to fan away from fan, vent holes, etc. etc. Could not get this to keep a steady temp after two months of trying. Then I say down and figured how much I had spent on different watt bulbs, wires, nuts, thermometers, electric box, thermostat,etc. and I could have bought a small hovabator brand new.

Best of luck.
I used this as my heat source and thermostat. Had a friend solder it together. It allows you to add a computer fan (which only runs when the unit is heating).


Seems to work OK. It is holding an air temp range of around 98 - 102 in my homemade incubator.

My first hatch went pretty well. I set my second bunch of eggs on last Sunday.
I already have a great Thermostat that I bought for $75 and I had to wire it. I already have it wired to plug in the heat source. I just don't know what to use for the heat source.
light bulbs work well you just need a decent t-stat I use a johnson controls t-stat and a couple of light bulbs it works great one incubator has 2-40 watt bulbs 1 has 2 - 60 watt bulbs my latest cabinet bator will start with 4-40 watts and I will play with wattages until I get the heat level right.
I used a lamp kit wired through the hot water heater thermostat, the external air temp did fluctuate between 4 degrees but the internal (inside egg) temp was pretty steady, for an average sized cooler I used a single 40 watt bulb, worked like a charm and I had 100% hatch. The only problem I had was my computer fans kept dying.
use any heat source. Just don't let the device heat the eggs directly. Use the device to heat the enclosed air which will warm the eggs uniformly. Also, even inside a small incubator, temperature can vary greatly. Try placing thermometer at different corners to see how much they vary.

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