what would you do? Dog help

I know she's your dog, but IMHO, any dog that shows aggression or makes any attempt to bite should be euthed. Especially since you said she was out of her yard going down the street when she went after the neighbor child. That's not even her turf. What if she did get a hold of that child and bit him? Despte the possibility of being sued, it would be awful if you had to look at a scarred child's face and know your dog did it. She sounds like a liability, especially if she is getting loose. There are so many deserving dogs just waiting for a good home at your local shelter that do not bite. I'm sorry you are in this position....good luck with whatever choice you make for her.
I never, never, never tolerate aggression in a dog. He'd be put down humanely by a vet ASAP...
this is incorrect. Terriers have NEVER been bred for human aggression, just "gameness". They want to go get the game, be it a rat or another dog. This is entirely different from human aggression. Terriers have always been bred to be easily handled by humans, even fighting pit bulls can usually be easily be handled by any human.
this is incorrect. Terriers have NEVER been bred for human aggression, just "gameness". They want to go get the game, be it a rat or another dog. This is entirely different from human aggression. Terriers have always been bred to be easily handled by humans, even fighting pit bulls can usually be easily be handled by any human.


yup in the fighting ring ANY fight dog who turned to attack the owner while in the midest of a fight would be instantly put down. breeders/owners would not tolerate human aggression in there fight dogs not even an accedental bite during a fight becuase the handlers sometiems need to get in there a pull dogs apart if the dogs were human aggressive they would not have been able to do this safely.
I have to play a bit of devil's advocate here. I speak from nearly 25 years of owning, training, showing and breeding Rottweilers of very correct temperament. Early intensive socialization and positive obedience training is a MUST for dogs that are expected to have territorial and defense drives as they mature. My dogs MUST be carefully fenced, because they WOULD go after pedestrians, possibly other dogs, etc because of their instinctive territorial drives to defend their property. It is MY JOB, as their owner and custodian, to be certain that they are safely confined both for their safety and that of others who live in my area.

To allow a dog who has shown drives to be territorial and guardy to be at large is irresponsible.

Having not seen this dog, I cannot speak for whether it has a correct temperament or not, but MANY ACDs are just as territorial and guardy as Rottweilers, and also need to be carefully fenced and supervised.

IF the owners cannot or will not keep the dog absolutely and completely confined in a fenced enclosure with LOCKED gates to prevent accidental entry by those whom the dog might bite, then other decisions might have to be made, including the euthanasia option.

JMO as always.
Sadly-I'd opt for euthanizing -unless you can afford professional help that turns the dog around completely...I'm sorry..

this is incorrect. Terriers have NEVER been bred for human aggression, just "gameness". They want to go get the game, be it a rat or another dog. This is entirely different from human aggression. Terriers have always been bred to be easily handled by humans, even fighting pit bulls can usually be easily be handled by any human.

carolinagirl58 is right!
Yes, this! Pretty much exactly how I feel. There is nothing wrong with keeping a more aggressive type of dog as long as you have complete control of the dog. I believe cattle dogs fall into a similar category as rotties because they have been bred for bravery and livestock protection. This makes them an extremely territorial dog. I would take a good look at the previous events when the dog bit a person. Was it because you lost control of the dog, or was it out of your hands? (you don't have to answer. These are more introspective questions) I certainly wouldn't tolerate a dog that continuously bites people, but if the bites occurred due to human error (dog escaping out door, dog getting out of leash or pulling away, etc.) and you feel you may be able to correct this for the future, then I would say keep her and work with her. However, if you feel you cannot effectively prevent any further biting events, I would probably have to suggest euthanasia.
I am searching for the article, something that I think could help the OP get some ideas of what is going on with her dog - what may be triggering the behavior.

It follows the story of a dog owner who gets a visit from a friend he hasn't seen in a long time. The friend greets him loudly, slaps on the back, etc. It discusses how dogs view "normal" human behavior as an aggression towards the pack/family.

Often, the owner also expects the dog to be aggressive and tenses up. This, in turn, passes through the leash and the dog picks up that anxiety as proof that there is danger and to go on the offensive.

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