What Would You Say if I Said....?

Do you want to clap and dance the doodley with me....at the same time?

WWYSIIS: The Noogee officers are eating me!

"My chick is jumping because he happened to have just hatched and is filled with joy. You speak in a strange tongue."

WWYSIIS: "Ummm....oops."
uhh ohhh did you let the chickens out again, you know my dog eats em when they get out

WWYSIIS is that your breath or did you just fart???
Hopefully chickies or whatever you're hatching. What did you do again?

WWYSIIS: We have pips, peeps, and chicks! 3 SLWD (silver laced wyandottes), 1 barred rock ameracuna cross, and one too wet to tell yet.

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