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You guys have me in tears! Cjwaldon, that act of generosity was so unexpected and kind... Thank you! And craftylady, thanks for offering the apron back up, even though it was supposed to be a side swap. You all are so awesome! It doesn't take much to bring me to tears lately it seems, but in this crazy world where people shoot up a school full of tiny children, it's nice to know there are still people who will offer up a simple gift of generosity to someone they have never even met!

Roosterlane, please give your hubby a great big hug from me. You are truly blessed to still have him in your life after all of this. I know first hand how it can so easily go the other way. Almost 3 years ago, I lost my perfectly heathy husband at 42 to a sudden, massive, unexpected stroke. He was conscious for 14 hours after the stroke, struggling to communicate. He told me repeatedly that he loved me, and I told him repeatedly that I loved him too. He kept telling me he wanted to go home, and I told him he could go home when he could walk out of the hospital. I really never thought he wasn't going to make it... The last thing he said to me was that he loved me and he wanted to go home. In hindsite, I don't believe he was talking about our physical home, but Home... To our Father in Heaven. He started to seizure, and went unconscious. Within hours he was on life support, and within another hour or two, he was brain-dead. I know the exact minute he left me... I felt him leave. Even though he was unconscious, I saw the life leave his eyes. I was filled with a peace that I had never felt before. It was only about a half hour later that the nuerosurgeon came in and examined him and told me he was gone, only being kept "alive" by the machines. I told him I knew... We kept him going for another 2 days so his family could come say goodbye. (We were in Vegas for a conference when it happened... All the way across the country). My kids lost the best Daddy in the world. I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my rock, my life... It's been a long hard climb, but by the grace of God, I am forging a new life for me and for my kids. The chickens are part of that new life, and they bring me so much joy. Being a part of this BYC family means more to me than any of you could possibly ever know...

So now that I am thoroughly a blubbering, teary mess... I just want to say Thank You for letting me be a part of this...
TMNFarm---I am so sorry you lost your best friend, so young. Its so nice to have a group a strangers become best of friends
. Now if only I could get some more "mines" everyone gets them before me, hahahahaha.

At one point, I bought a set of king size regular sheets and a set of king sized flannel sheets and I cut them in half and sewed them down the middle. It fit pretty well on our queen size bed. That way, he had his cold sheets and I had my nice warm flannel sheets on my side! People thought I was crazy, but it worked!
Wow what a awesome idea!!!
Something else I'd like to share with you...

The link takes you to You tube to a video collage I made a couple of months ago. The pictures are of my husband, me, the kids... things he loved like vintage snowmobiles. There are a few pics of him with the kids when they were very little, followed by pics of them now, riding their horses... The necklace that shows up twice is a heart with all of our birthstones in it, with his wedding ring around the heart. After these pictures were taken, I actually had a jewler make it into a pendant with the heart hanging in the center. I wear it 24/7... Never take it off...

The song... My kids and I were in my daughter's room one day, and her flannel sheets got us talking about their Daddy... My son said something to me that hit me really hard. The complete trust this young boy, who just lost the man that meant the whole world to him, has in the Lord just amazed me and inspired me... So I wrote a song and my kids and I recorded it as a Christmas gift to my In-laws last year... Most of it is me, but the kids join in, and the young boy you hear near the end is the one who spoke the words to me and inspired the song. It's a deeply personal song, but I have shared it when I have felt moved to do so... I hope you all enjoy it.
That is so amazingly beautiful! The song itself is beautiful, and you have a lovely voice!
Something else I'd like to share with you...

The link takes you to You tube to a video collage I made a couple of months ago. The pictures are of my husband, me, the kids... things he loved like vintage snowmobiles. There are a few pics of him with the kids when they were very little, followed by pics of them now, riding their horses... The necklace that shows up twice is a heart with all of our birthstones in it, with his wedding ring around the heart. After these pictures were taken, I actually had a jewler make it into a pendant with the heart hanging in the center. I wear it 24/7... Never take it off...

The song... My kids and I were in my daughter's room one day, and her flannel sheets got us talking about their Daddy... My son said something to me that hit me really hard. The complete trust this young boy, who just lost the man that meant the whole world to him, has in the Lord just amazed me and inspired me... So I wrote a song and my kids and I recorded it as a Christmas gift to my In-laws last year... Most of it is me, but the kids join in, and the young boy you hear near the end is the one who spoke the words to me and inspired the song. It's a deeply personal song, but I have shared it when I have felt moved to do so... I hope you all enjoy it.be
Beautiful song and voice. Thank you for sharing part of your life and your children's with us.
Here's the link....

I know these videos annoy some people, so if that's the case, minimize your screen and just listen, but the story is touching.... There is a link at the end to my brother's site, but don't feel obligated to go there, either..

Hope you enjoy!
At one point, I bought a set of king size regular sheets and a set of king sized flannel sheets and I cut them in half and sewed them down the middle. It fit pretty well on our queen size bed. That way, he had his cold sheets and I had my nice warm flannel sheets on my side! People thought I was crazy, but it worked!
What an awsome idea with the sheets
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