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I do have problems with the statins too. Usually I get bad muscle aches, I am taking Zocor right now and seen to be tolerating it.
My reaction to the red yeast rice is awful. Started like a regular allergy, watery eyes, sneezing, then bad chest congestion difficulty breathing. I couldn't eat and I had to force myself to drink, I didn't realize it the first time and this time is really bad. I took 2 and a half days worth again before I realized that was what was doing it.
Does anyone on this thread have pyncheons?
I have a darling little rooster that I hatched out of eggs off of ebay and he needs some hens...
Or does anyone have lavendar D'anvers? I bought a little lav. roo at a recent poultry show... he needs some hens too.

[COLOR=0000FF]Does anyone on this thread have pyncheons?[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I have a darling little rooster that I hatched out of eggs off of ebay and he needs some hens...[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Or does anyone have lavendar D'anvers? I bought a little lav. roo at a recent poultry show... he needs some hens too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR]
Im almost positive Chickenstalker has some!
Got some packages out today. Have to send PMs...... Still waiting to hear who won for the worst hate rate. 1. 2, 3 place. Got the boxed up just need names and addy's. Hopefully soon.
I tell ya, I don't know how y'all are doing it all.
Running the NYD hatch and all the contests would have put me in the looney house

Big cudos
everyone involved!!!!
I lost a whole bator full.
I wrapped the bators in blankets but it did not help. Lot of money in bought eggs but I guess it happens.

I'll just have to buy more. I did lose my Tolbunt roo and I have no idea why. He was with 5 other smaller juvies and his lady friend but he was the only one that did not make it.. They may have all piled up on him to stay warm under the heat lamp.
I need another Tolbunt roo if anyone has one for sale?

Oh, I"m so sorry Pauletta... I feel for you, totally!! I had a 1/48 hatch rate, and the one that did hatch had a terrible cross beak and had to be culled, so no chicks for the NYDH for me

Thank you, I am getting there. I had an allergic reaction to red yeast rice. Didn't realize it the first time so after I got better, I started taking it again so this reaction was worse.

so sorry you have been sick, that is the pits!!

Got some packages out today. Have to send PMs...... Still waiting to hear who won for the worst hate rate. 1. 2, 3 place. Got the boxed up just need names and addy's. Hopefully soon.
I tell ya, I don't know how y'all are doing it all.
Running the NYD hatch and all the contests would have put me in the looney house

Big cudos
everyone involved!!!!

No kidding, I second that!!
I've got some SQ splash eggs for sale if anybody is interested. I can get 6 in the mail today or tomorrow. After that the older ones will get tossed. I'm asking $15 for the eggs and $13 for shipping. I got the roo from Bobbi Porto and he's won first in BV last year. The hens I don't know their background but they are still very nice girls. I haven't shown them yet. I take paypal and my addy is [email protected]. They're picking up on laying so I'll probably be able to do a dozen next week if somebody wants more I'll ask $25 for a dozen and $!5 for shipping. Anybody that has gotten eggs from me knows I pack well. Here is a pair.

There is now a chocolate chicken purse. Saw one on amazon while I was searching for random chicken stuff.
Cooking.com also has cow, chicken, and cat canisters, not just the pig ones. Too bad they dont have a set to get one of each!
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