Do a google and look for owl safe rat poison or rat traps. They do a lot of stuff so the corpses will not kill owls, it also will not kill a chicken. ( its like plaster of paris or something...)I need help. I have noticed eggs missing from under my broody silkies this has been going on for months and I thought they were eating the eggs. Well when I looked and there were 5 eggs missing from under her from just last night, I recovered 4 of them and 1 was right up next to a hole under the ground.
DO I have a rat problem and how do I take care of it without harming my chickens. My worthless barn cats aren't doing there job and ever since I lost my faithful flock protector dog in 2011 she used to get the rats my other dogs won't. Now I have a problem. If it is rats they are taking the eggs from my broody silkie hens every time my silkies go broody.
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