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Isn't there a BBB for craigslist?
Sorry, but I need to vent.

I gave our Shitzhu/Laso mix away the other night. She is not good with chicks, and ripped through a brooder box to lick them. She also chases my geese and ducks. Anyway.... I list on Craigslist...

I get a response from a woman/ girl, who wanted her really badly. She wanted her so badly she begged me to meet her way down on the other side of town at night. So here DH and I go, 45 minute trip to town.
She tells me that they only have one cat, and it is a kitten. There is another cat, but it is not theirs and does not come in the house. She also stated it was just her and her Boyfriend living there. The dog would have a good home inside.
Now let me say. This dog is older, 13 yrs old in fact. Good with cats, dogs, and other animals. Just not good with birds and fowl. She is kind, does not bite, and unless she is outside, she just lays around and watches tv just like the DH.
The next morning I get an email. "YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE DOG BACK".... My cats are attacking her.
After many emails back and forth. I find out that she has two cats living in the house, and she claims they are hissing and swatting at Prissy. (Prissy is not scared of anything) I also find out, it is her mothers house.
Now, we move to today.
As of right now....
The dog is biting everyone. The dog has made the cats spray everything in the house from scaring them so badly. This girls is under 18. Her mother says either I come and get the dog or it goes to the pound tomorrow morning. (NOT my fault the girl told me she was over 21 and it was her house). Oh and the dog spent the night outside in the rain with no dog house tied to a pole.
I am mad as a wet hen. I am picking her up at 6pm.

What goes through the minds of some people...
I'm with Beth -- That is a ridiculous! You are right, she will be much better off with you even if she gets yelled at for licking chickens; better than taking a taste
There are all kinds of nuts out there and apparently you are dealing with the rotten, stale ones.

There are some pretty horrible people out there
I never should have looked.....They are very pretty! I actually like them better then half the other breeds I have on the farm now.

Hi Anna!

I have to tell you-I made the Artichoke Dip the other night for supper, and I did the directions for baking it. I added a jar of MARINATED artichokes chopped up, and the swiss cheese and that was the best Artichoke Dip I have ever eaten! I had to get more Marinated Artichokes to make the second pack soon!

Now I need to get Artichokes to plant in the garden this summer and can my own marinated chokes!
Artichokes do NOT produce enough to marinate your own! but MAN theya re good when fresh. They also take about 3 years to produce,like asperagas. Ours have been here for 5 -10 years, (Original owners they could not remember how long since they got planted, you are excused from remembering when you are in your 80's :D) and they are BIG but we still eat everything immediatly. Pro tip, do not plant asperagus if there are deer around, they will do anything to get it :(.
This is the dog we got from the "rescue" that had been kept in a crated since being picked up from the pound. He owner had passed away and his family did not want her, so they took her to be put down. I thought I was doing her a favor finding her a better home then with us, where she gets yelled at for licking the birds too much. I am a total douche bag. She will just be here with us for the rest of her life. I have never in all my life dealt with people so CRAPPY.
I can only imagine what she has been through, all my fault. I am not a bad person, but this has told me that I need to rethink how I think/feel about things. My pets will be better off here with me then anywhere else. I feed them too much, I snuggle them all too much, I hurt when they hurt, I yell at them when they poop on my floor or my head (pinky the duck), all that, but I have NEVER put a dog out in the cold rain tied to a pole. Nor would I take one to the pound. Our Pound is a death trap. Nasty discusting place.
It is going to take all I have not to yell at this person after I get my dog back. You should see the emails she has sent. And DH wonders why I am a hermit.......

:( poor baby.

This is why rescuses are so crazy anal about animal homes, for some bizzare reason adopting a pet makes a lot of people mightily fabricate.

You should HEAR some of the stories we heard when I was in cat rescue. I saw more fake ids over age then a bartender. YOU DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THIS CAT TO COLLEGE JUST WAIT. Oh no I'm really 36 says the 16 year old...
Prissy is back home. I'll have to groom her/shave her tomorrow. Her white fur is now totally brown. She was so excited when she saw us, did not even have to ask/tell her to get in, she jumped right in and wagged her tail. She rode all the way home on the oldest daughter's lap. Almost knocked us down trying to get in the house. Ate like she was starved.....
The girl told me she was sorry. I just grunted at her and left. I'll take chickens over people any day.

On a better note....
I got my V-day gift early. Well sort of... Hubbie is turning the goat barn into..... wait for it..... wait forrrr it.... MORE CHICKEN RUNS! lololol I love this man.
Prissy is back home. I'll have to groom her/shave her tomorrow. Her white fur is now totally brown. She was so excited when she saw us, did not even have to ask/tell her to get in, she jumped right in and wagged her tail. She rode all the way home on the oldest daughter's lap. Almost knocked us down trying to get in the house. Ate like she was starved.....
The girl told me she was sorry. I just grunted at her and left. I'll take chickens over people any day.

On a better note....
I got my V-day gift early. Well sort of... Hubbie is turning the goat barn into..... wait for it..... wait forrrr it.... MORE CHICKEN RUNS! lololol I love this man.

Good news all around! I'm so glad Prissy came home safe! And... You can never have too many chicken runs.
Thank you and

I actually was thinking he would kill me for talking to Jim about buying Icelandic eggs and getting another breed. So I am pretty tickled.
I am so glad Prissy is back where she belongs. She loves you. And people are so ridiculous. The girl was young, but old enough to know better. Shame on her. Lucky for Prissy she has you. And congrats on more chicken runs!! Awesome!
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