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I know!! When we were watching the dementia video in class, I was scoring myself. If I remember correctly, it was like a 5 out of 7.... I was like, well, that explains a lot, LOL!

I blame mine on ADD... sometimes feels like dementia but alas it's just my ADD... lol I think I have short-term memory loss too..lol. Now what were we talking about????
Hey girl! He is Logan Blake Shadell. I have enjoyed spending all this time with him. He is our first grandson and so calm and quite compared to the granddaughters LOL !!

x2! I think you do a great job! Thanks for running this thread for us. However, if you feel it is time to step down and let someone else run the thread, I do understand and I hope someone wonderful has the time to do it!

I know right! I've got tears rolling down my face just thinking about it. Y'all are too funny. Hey any one have Canning books or stuff for a swap? I think this spring I wanna give it a try. But I am a newbie. Oh "Dancing" Bella Mae says hello.

And my new Grandson Logan
Though he was madder than heck in this pic LOLOL

Mom, Dad and Logan

Me and Logan
What a cutie! I love his name! What is his middle name?

Caroline, I am so glad you don't have to go through anything more, but I think I would make a doctor appointment tomorrow to be sure there is nothing serious going on. Don't wait until it is too late.
Craft shows are awful. I can't believe the number of kids who come by, unattended (COMPLETELY UNATTENDED) and smash my bath bombs into powder in one swift move. Or they'll dig their fingernails into my soap. While my soap is wrapped, I STILL don't like to sell blemished bars! Or, I get a lot of grubby fingers all over it. While it doesn't damage the soap, I still sometimes have to re-wrap or relabel my soaps or candles! Like, come on people, have a LITTLE bit of respect. If I do any shows this year, I'll have a big bold sign that states "you mess it up, you buy it! That goes for your kids too!!!"
When my kids were growing up I would not let them just willy nilly run around and touch stuff. You tell the kids that come in your booth to please stop touching they look at you like you can't tell me what to do or even worst the parents are with them and I finally can't take it and tell the kids and the parents get mad but hey I would put a lot of time and sometimes money into something I didn't want it messed up, sometimes I couldn't fix it. That's whats wrong with the world today the parents don't want to discipline the kids just let them go it's easier.

I always order doublw what I really need. I would like 6 to hatch so order 12 eggs. Most of us have a much better hatch rate, but you know how shipped eggs are. I have had bad luck with the last few boxes in my mail box. But I only blame the PO.
Though we try, you can't make everyone happy. And I hate that. It would be such a nicer world if we could LOL.
I got 18 beautiful colored eggs from SusanRenee yesterday. She only owed me 12 and they are gorgeous and were very well packed. Double boxed. Thank you!!!
Yay! I had plenty of room, seemed to make more sense to add eggs rather than packing peanuts!!
Now to see how they hatch!
Yay! I had plenty of room, seemed to make more sense to add eggs rather than packing peanuts!!
Now to see how they hatch!
They are gorgeous colors! Your marans are very dark! I am so excited to add these girls to my laying flock for fun colored egg cartons full to sell to my customers! They seem to really enjoy a rainbow carton!
I really like how you packed them too! I think I will try that. The shipping was not bad either!
See? Thats what Im saying-thank you guys. I hated being "mean" but when I read the first email stating they only got 7 and was questioning my fertility I was like what?? and they wanted another batch of eggs...In my first email I said Id have to take some time to respond as I was shocked and didnt know what to say!--then the next day I emailed them saying No-I will not be replacing the eggs because of EVERYTHING I said and you guys said...I mean come on seriously? I was shocked that they were complaining with 7 live chicks running around...I WISH it could have been more for them but it wasn't:( Then when they didnt like my last email of no eggs being replaced they asked for a partial refund on the eggs that didnt hatch or grow!! WTH??? I had NEVER ever thought of doing that to someone no matter what the eggs cost me! Last year I ordered 6 eggs for 120$ ...2 blood rings later and nothing else happened..nothing developed or hatched...I told the seller because THEY ASKED ME how my hatch went- they apologized and that was it! was I miffed--you bet BUT I KNEW the risks...my bator was touch and go at that time so maybe there was a huge spike while I slept and it fixed itself before I awoke? Either way no refund or replacement eggs....I'm dumb founded really! If they were all smashed upon delivery-yup Id replace out of guilt-or frozen and cracked yup out of guilt but that's it...maybe if those eggs were shipped to someone else they would have had better fertility rates or hatch rate due to where it had to go! ugh...I think its over and I thank all of you and your pms in support...
I just wanted to see if there was a "buyer" out there who could take the other side and explain things to me..lol explain why on earth they felt entitled to $ returned or more eggs when I did nothing wrong in my eyes...

This most be the month of morons.. No offense anyone. I had someone looking to purchase eggs from me. I PMed and email them several times for conformation to ship, due to weather and their incubator space etc.. 2 weeks later I get an email stating they hardly get on the internet, I should have called. Ummm.. no, I do make a practice of calling customers. They claimed they weren't aware of the procedure since it was their first time getting eggs. Whatever, now they want the eggs buy I had had other orders. I explained that they lost their slot and gave them the next available ship date. They accepted.
So I shipped the eggs and a week later get a nasty PM about how disappointed they were. They were upset because the eggs were 4-5 days old at shipping ( I date my eggs now) and the PO took 4 days to get the eggs to them. WHAT !! It was for 12+ I sent 18 eggs ... 4 eggs were 5 days old....the extra , extras . They got their 12 fresh eggs plus extra and more extras...what the heck more do you want !!
Amazing, how quick they got on the internet to send me a nasty message. I sent them a firm response back explaining that sending eggs 4 days old at time of shipping is standard procedure, etc.......and have not heard a word.

I agree.. I will be stating an absolute NO guarantee...buy at your own risk statement .

Just so aggravating !!!

Geez, so sorry you two. I learned a long time ago about disclaimers with my fiber. People's monitors are so differerent, and I'm not a professional photographer. I do my best to get colors right, but sheesh, some people pitch a fit. I have a long diclaimer about it on my listings.
Long time no see. How is everyone. I am almost bird less. I am still sad I had to get rid of my chickens. I have little special needs butter and 2 chicks that hatched in my sons class room that Ill have to get rid of soon and that's it all my serama are gone the owner of the building got fed up with it takeing so long and they had to go. Sadly that ment I coudnt send the last batch in the mail to the person I promised them too as I couldnt aford the shipping when the owner put his foot down and as he was writeing up eviction notices that day I decided I coudnt risk being one of the people getting them. Its so wierd not haveing my little chickens everywhere. I actually miss the crowing some times. I try not to but I get so irritated becuase I had to get rid of my chickens cuase someone complained but the nahbors here are pretty loud. The one next door keeps her 2 year old up till 3 or 4 am so she will sleep in the next day and the babies room is wall to wall with mine so I get to listen to a loud crashing playing screaming toddler till all hours of the morning and the girl up stairs gets into fights with her boyfriend ususally between 5 and 6 am (guess she isnt a morning person lol) but ether way I am commonly kept up or woken up several times a night but my little tiny serama roo crowing at 630-730 in the morning a couple times is the horrible thing
. Sorry I had to rant .
What has everyone been up to lately? The weather warming up for you all now that its sapose to be spring
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