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I'm so glad I'm in a house instead of an apartment. I spent most of the past 10 years in apartments & duplexes. I HATE noisy neighbors!!! I have 1 out here now who likes to target shoot in the back yard & have to listen to that. But I get even, I have 10 roosters.
the cots and the buttons and serama are all doing great i got from you. i will have to send you pics of them.
Long time no see. How is everyone. I am almost bird less. I am still sad I had to get rid of my chickens. I have little special needs butter and 2 chicks that hatched in my sons class room that Ill have to get rid of soon and that's it all my serama are gone the owner of the building got fed up with it takeing so long and they had to go. Sadly that ment I coudnt send the last batch in the mail to the person I promised them too as I couldnt aford the shipping when the owner put his foot down and as he was writeing up eviction notices that day I decided I coudnt risk being one of the people getting them. Its so wierd not haveing my little chickens everywhere. I actually miss the crowing some times. I try not to but I get so irritated becuase I had to get rid of my chickens cuase someone complained but the nahbors here are pretty loud. The one next door keeps her 2 year old up till 3 or 4 am so she will sleep in the next day and the babies room is wall to wall with mine so I get to listen to a loud crashing playing screaming toddler till all hours of the morning and the girl up stairs gets into fights with her boyfriend ususally between 5 and 6 am (guess she isnt a morning person lol) but ether way I am commonly kept up or woken up several times a night but my little tiny serama roo crowing at 630-730 in the morning a couple times is the horrible thing
. Sorry I had to rant .
What has everyone been up to lately? The weather warming up for you all now that its sapose to be spring
Long time no see. How is everyone. I am almost bird less. I am still sad I had to get rid of my chickens. I have little special needs butter and 2 chicks that hatched in my sons class room that Ill have to get rid of soon and that's it all my serama are gone the owner of the building got fed up with it takeing so long and they had to go. Sadly that ment I coudnt send the last batch in the mail to the person I promised them too as I couldnt aford the shipping when the owner put his foot down and as he was writeing up eviction notices that day I decided I coudnt risk being one of the people getting them. Its so wierd not haveing my little chickens everywhere. I actually miss the crowing some times. I try not to but I get so irritated becuase I had to get rid of my chickens cuase someone complained but the nahbors here are pretty loud. The one next door keeps her 2 year old up till 3 or 4 am so she will sleep in the next day and the babies room is wall to wall with mine so I get to listen to a loud crashing playing screaming toddler till all hours of the morning and the girl up stairs gets into fights with her boyfriend ususally between 5 and 6 am (guess she isnt a morning person lol) but ether way I am commonly kept up or woken up several times a night but my little tiny serama roo crowing at 630-730 in the morning a couple times is the horrible thing
. Sorry I had to rant .
What has everyone been up to lately? The weather warming up for you all now that its sapose to be spring
So happy to see you again and that butter got to stay! Some day I hope that you are fortunate to find yourself living in a house where you can have all the chickens that you want. It is very irritating to have to listen to all the noise at all hours of the day in an apartment.
First of all in regards to starting a new thread and the OP. Looks like Bettacreek will be the new OP. I have asked her to plan on doing the new thread on Sunday. There are several people who have offered to help Bettacreek with the swap. I have left that up to her on how to use helpers. It has been my honor to run the swap and work with you all. Thank you all for making the swap what is it and thank you Bettacreek for stepping forward to be the next WYGS OP.

Now I will air my little irk for the day. Most of you know I have tons of birds. We have a poultry area that includes a converted dairy barn, lofting shed, and several other small coops. There are over 300 birds in this area. Anyway I have four birds a Buckeye hen, naked Buff Orpington hen, ugly little black hen of some unknown background, and my retired Golden Laced Project rooster that on their own decided to leave the poultry area and move to the calving barn over a year ago. These birds are all three years or older. Half the time I forget to give them food or water, they are not locked up so an owl or coyote could get them,, they wonder about under the cows legs, go in with the cows when they have tiny calves so I am amazed that they are still alive.

Here's my irk these hens are my most loyal layers. Almost every day there are 3 eggs in their nest area. They took a small break during the winter for about six weeks. I am begging my Legbars & Rhodebars for an egg. I have tons of Orpingtons of various colors (upwards of 60 hens) I got 3 eggs today from them.. What gives with this????
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