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I just bought a huge box for $14 at Sam's club.  I'm not sure how many feet but it is a dispenser box that is probably two feet tall.  Much cheaper than the rolls I was buying at Wal Mart. 
I get alot of my buble wrap free from my Mom, she works a an animal hosp, so they get lots of bottles wrappe in bubbles, its also green, usually ;)
Those are cute! I may do sonething like this.
WARNING: Cuteness Overload!! (and cross posted :) I woke up to baby Angora goats!! Meet Martha and George! We're using famous leaders in history as names, our does are Marie and Antoinette and the buck is Napoleon. Holy hell, they're adorable!
Hey we don't live too far from each other. Why not just drop off one those babies over here, I'll be easing your load! ;)
Thanks for all the feedback on the paypal guys! Hope to be swapping soon. :frow

Sooo I see a silkie in your pic. I am REALLY hoping you offer some hatching eggs! I only have 4 silkie chicks and they need some friends!

Seriously guys, I know I said I wouldn't be claiming anymore eggs but if I see silkies on the swap, that comment might as well have never existed.
Sooo I see a silkie in your pic. I am REALLY hoping you offer some hatching eggs! I only have 4 silkie chicks and they need some friends!

Seriously guys, I know I said I wouldn't be claiming anymore eggs but if I see silkies on the swap, that comment might as well have never existed.
LOL...That's all I'll be offering for now are eggs or Paypal....gotta get pics up on my swap page.I have a Partridge silkie pen, and a mixed colored silkie pen(Black, White, Paint, Partridge, Lavender, and Buff), I also have BBS Bantam Ameraucana, and Bantam EE, and hope I can offter Buff Orpington Duck eggs soon. You can see more pics of my silkies if you click on my avatar and scroll down to my pics if you want. Gotta get more of the other chickens up.
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