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Lol. Some days they're really good. Actually, today is a pretty good day. They just swept the kitchen floor for me (one with the broom, the other held the dustpan) and cleaned their dishes off of the table. I suppose that's good, because they didn't require reminders and didn't nag for "num nums" for helping.
LOL! I have two here who end up causing more work by convincing them that they need to get their chores done than it would be to just do them myself. G always says "well, some day it'll pay off". Maybe when they're in their 20's, LOL.
I did say you could hand out chores to them, I was not clear on the part of if they would do them or not lolololol
I send mine to do chores, and then you have to go behind them to make sure it got done. Mine are 17 (will be 18 in 12 days), 15, and 13. The smaller ones will try everything to get out of completely doing theirs, the older one does it right normally.

Renee- Nope, no better really...
Lol. Some days they're really good. Actually, today is a pretty good day. They just swept the kitchen floor for me (one with the broom, the other held the dustpan) and cleaned their dishes off of the table. I suppose that's good, because they didn't require reminders and didn't nag for "num nums" for helping.
how old are they, I want to know when I can expect this sweeping thing.
It actually gets worse when they move out....
My son moved out over a year ago and I thought his room stayed messy when he stayed here.... but OMG...
Him & his GF's house it completely trashed. I don't go visit much because I can't stand it & there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
At least I don't have to live there. My OCD would act up me.
Hi Silkie, what are you hatching out? And whats on the way? I wish you lived close because I need to learn how to do this.
Turkeys, 4 kinds of ducks, 3 kinds of quail, geese, chicks of numerous breeds & mixes...scattered over 5 weeks plus & still adding more as they come in. I haven't completely shut down all of my bators at once in almost a year. I just keep adding more eggs every few days to a week & see where I have room to stuff more.
Wait a minute, whats the difference?
When you run a staggered hatch, it's easiest to have a separate incubator that you can use to just hatch in. You keep a higher humidity in it & put eggs in at lockdown. You have to monitor humidity a bit more closely to make sure it stays up because you have to open the bator every so often to pull hatched babies out so they don't play too much soccer with the remaining eggs that are trying to hatch, but it's better than ruining eggs that aren't ready for the higher humidity. I try to move all of my eggs to 1 bator for lockdown & let the eggs in the other bators keep doing their thing where they are until time for them to go into lockdown.
So you're saying that it doesn't get better?
Nope, only gets worse as they get older. The little ones like to help, older ones want to do their own thing.
I did say you could hand out chores to them, I was not clear on the part of if they would do them or not lolololol
I send mine to do chores, and then you have to go behind them to make sure it got done. Mine are 17 (will be 18 in 12 days), 15, and 13. The smaller ones will try everything to get out of completely doing theirs, the older one does it right normally.

Renee- Nope, no better really...
Mine did great when they were 2-3 years old, wanted to help with everything. Now it's like pulling teeth to even get them to clean their room.
Who cares about housecleaning any day? Let's go clean barns/stalls/brooders.
Cleaning brooders here. Already hit all of the nest boxes with fresh bedding this morning. Eggs were starting to get muddy from wet duckies.
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