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Daze, my daughter carries that duck around with her everywhere. She has named it Daffodil jr. She made the mistake of taking it outside, ONCE. The Geese instantly saw it as a threat and I got a great laugh watching her run through the yard screaming while the geese chased this new comer off. She took the duck back inside and then they wanted to cuddle with her. All is well as long as the duck stays indoors...roflmaoo
Daze, my daughter carries that duck around with her everywhere. She has named it Daffodil jr. She made the mistake of taking it outside, ONCE. The Geese instantly saw it as a threat and I got a great laugh watching her run through the yard screaming while the geese chased this new comer off. She took the duck back inside and then they wanted to cuddle with her. All is well as long as the duck stays indoors...roflmaoo

We call that goose or duck drama! We have a lot of that around here. Comes with the territory I guess.
We are fortunate to only have Ospreys and Coopershawks around our house. The coopershawk tried to pick one of my chickens up once and she was too heavy. Honestly, she's obese, but even if she were svelt, a coopershawk only has a 14" wingspan, and weighs half as much as even my smallest LF.

The Ospreys are only interested in my Koi, but the pond is too small and shallow for them to try.

I have heard that if you criss-cross your yard with strands of fishing line, it will keep the birds of prey away. They'll think you have some sort of voodoo force-field up to ward them off and they'll stay away from your yard. As an extra bonus, your neighbors will enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what the heck the crazy chicken neighbor is doing now.
My neighbor is back from Croatia, my roo's are going nuts with the crowing and he don't like it.
We are fortunate to only have Ospreys and Coopershawks around our house. The coopershawk tried to pick one of my chickens up once and she was too heavy. Honestly, she's obese, but even if she were svelt, a coopershawk only has a 14" wingspan, and weighs half as much as even my smallest LF.

The Ospreys are only interested in my Koi, but the pond is too small and shallow for them to try.

I have heard that if you criss-cross your yard with strands of fishing line, it will keep the birds of prey away. They'll think you have some sort of voodoo force-field up to ward them off and they'll stay away from your yard. As an extra bonus, your neighbors will enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out what the heck the crazy chicken neighbor is doing now.

Isn't that the only reason we do half of the things we do?
The mail lady dropped off 2 packages today - one has some bookends for my youngest,who is a Garfield nut. They are a side swap from Mimis_Place and my DD is going to love them. Thank you! The other package was filled with beautiful fabrics from caj1985. More incentive to get back to my quilting. Thank you for such an awesome variety and the time you took to get them ready for sending.

It's actually been nice/decent here the last couple of days. 40* helps clear some of the snow off of the ground and so excited that there a few places that I can actually see the ground. Of course, we are forecasted to get 1-2" of snow tomorrow night

I'm going to the first chicken swap of the season up here on Saturday. That will be fun with the snow! Hoping to find homes for some birds and free up some coop and brooder space for those we are keeping.
The whole hatching thing keeps me from getting much done! I have been glued to hatcher tv for the last hr, watching this Araucana chick stuck in this precarious position. It gets a burst of energy and peeps like crazy kicking its foot and wiggling its head then goes back to sleep for 5 min. before it tries again. It'll get it.
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