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Hmmmm...ONLY 4 roos. I remember those days. Was so much quieter around here at 3am & 6 am.
Now I have 8 adult roos & who knows how many in the grow-outs.
My 2 free range roos have picked the front & back porches for their roosts at night so we definitely hear them when they go off.
So you have two roo's just free ranging by them selves? No hens? If so maybe I will keep them just let them lose whatever happens happens type of thing?
My kids and I were in town until almost 11 PM last night working on Stubby's coop. All that's left is to put the hardware cloth around it... He should be able to move in tomorrow!! I'll post pics later when it is all finished... I'm pretty proud of myself and my kids. We built this whole coop by ourselves, from design to completion... I can't wait to see how Stubby likes it! Now to pick him a girlfriend...
Why do you call it stubby? You more then likely said but I more then likely forgot.
So I thought I would post an update to the chickens I have been felting.
I still need to goto the craft store and pick up beads for eyes, etc.
WFBS Rooster:

And b/c I was not totally sure how I want to finish his tail I started the Peacock:

LOL Now I posted it on the right thread....lawl
So I thought I would post an update to the chickens I have been felting.
I still need to goto the craft store and pick up beads for eyes, etc.
WFBS Rooster:

And b/c I was not totally sure how I want to finish his tail I started the Peacock:

LOL Now I posted it on the right thread....lawl
Mine! Where's the PBR?
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So you have two roo's just free ranging by them selves? No hens? If so maybe I will keep them just let them lose whatever happens happens type of thing?
Yep, a little banty boy & a LF RIR mix free range. Occasionally we let 1 certain hen who is extremely tame & easy to catch out during the day to keep them company but most days they just roam the yard. They don't go too far from the coop because they like to hang near the hens so no worries about them invading neighbors' yards. I keep them as extra roos just in case something happens to 1 of my boys in the coops & I need another roo in a hurry. Then there's 1 spare EE banty roo who has his own tractor. He's young, so I dodn't want to let him out yet. Waiting on him to mature enough to give him some girls of his own. The other boys all have at least 2 girls each. The LF roo has 16 to himself. I would put the other LF roo in with him to help with the girls, but they fight so I just trade them places every so often & let the other 1 free range while the 1 that had been free ranging has the girls for a while. The banty boy that free ranges is out because he gets nippy when caged. You let him free range & you can walk right over & pick him up. Cage him & he starts biting.

Why do you call it stubby? You more then likely said but I more then likely forgot.
Her little roo got frosbite & lost both feet. So she made him his own house to make it easier for him.

So I thought I would post an update to the chickens I have been felting.
I still need to goto the craft store and pick up beads for eyes, etc.
WFBS Rooster:

And b/c I was not totally sure how I want to finish his tail I started the Peacock:

LOL Now I posted it on the right thread....lawl
LOVE the peacock. May have to have you make me a couple.
Nice work on the felting :) i love crafting.... though i think i have enough to do... but puts that on the back of my brain to figure out how to do at a later date. n.n

well today so far - nock on wood- is a better day. in general but its early yet. ... but i am on my second cup of tea :) and other than arguing with my ex this morning... i left him in the car and said see you later... cause i wasnt going to argue with him.... walked in to work (he brings me to work right now) and then of course later he appologizes tells me im right and that we can do things the way i want to do them. so wow he saw the light.... for once.

well huge stack of work to do gotta get some of it done... though how to catch up on a month of work in just a few days idk somehow i will catch it all up.

oh my daughter is feeling better and went back to school this morning... so that is good. my mom on the other hand is going to the dr today.
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So I thought I would post an update to the chickens I have been felting.
I still need to goto the craft store and pick up beads for eyes, etc.
WFBS Rooster:

And b/c I was not totally sure how I want to finish his tail I started the Peacock:

LOL Now I posted it on the right thread....lawl
Too cute!!
Why do you call it stubby? You more then likely said but I more then likely forgot.
Her little roo got frosbite & lost both feet. So she made him his own house to make it easier for him. [/quote] Yup... What she said... :)
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