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I designed it myself!!
Stubby and his girlfriend, "Delilah" have moved in and seem to be right at home!

Hoping all are staying safe and dry in these big storms that are coming through the Midwest! Yuck - Wind, Rain, Sleet, Snow
Hoping all are staying safe and dry in these big storms that are coming through the Midwest! Yuck - Wind, Rain, Sleet, Snow
Flash floods here. Should be an interesting drive to school this morning-many low-lying roads that flood quickly.
anyone want to trade for a purple flowering vine
That looks like Vinca vine. It is very pretty, and makes a great ground-cover, BUT it becomes a nuisance if planted in the wrong spot! It takes over everything! I have seen hanging baskets with Vinca in it. Very pretty, but when it hits the ground it takes root and spreads. My parents had it growing in the rocks around their fish pond, but it grew into the pond. We worked for several years to get rid of it, and I believe it is finally gone. I still like it, though-I just don't have a good place for it right now where we live.
Hey all! Isn't there a thread on BYC about transporting birds around? I am in Washington and have a friend who needs a bird transported down to her. I thought I saw one at one time that showed when people were making trips etc. Anyone know what it is called?
All outstanding meal worm kits have been sent:

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