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I understand the thought with the kids. I have 3 myself. They never get anything like that in the mail. What about sending 1 item to each kid? If there is enough people doing this and everyone sends 1 item to each they would get more things? Does that make sense?

I've done swaps where say 10 people sign up... you send the host 10 exact items and paypal money for shipping a box back. The host waits until all boxes are in, then puts one of each item in the 10 boxes and ships back to each participant. While it works great for homemade products and the like, it wouldn't work as well for a kid's swap. Older kids aren't going to be "into" the same things as younger kids.
I'm thinking that maybe $5 worth of little goodies and a handwritten/drawn letter/picture might be easy enough? Anything that could fit into a small flat rate box and shipping would only be $5.15, or even $5 worth of unbreakables in a bubble envelope. Just some of my own ideas for it (I'm thinking of what would be unisex for my age range of 3-6): stencils, box of crayons, small notepads or coloring books, stickers, maybe for boys those little bags of snakes/dinosaurs/bugs/frogs from the dollar tree and of course candy. Older kids might be harder. Anyways, I was thinking almost like a grab bag kind of thing, where there is an assortment of cheap trinkets. Nothing to break the bank, but just some kind of small gifty type thing and of course the letter/picture is a wonderful idea to help get the kids involved in sending the package.

If it goes well, we could do a monthly one like the others. Just like those, you could choose to go in again every month, never again (hopefully it isn't THAT bad, lol) or pick and choose your months.
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then maybe keep it to a 12 and under type? 

We could do that. I still feel that one child sending to another child is a little more personable than having each kid make something and each family buy stuff for as many kids as are entered. I myself have two, Kat, you have two (right?), TMN has two, Lulu has three, Mama2my4 has, well, 4, lol. That's 13 right there. Then you'd have to pay shipping twice for each child, once to me to sort everything, then once for me to send it back. It'll cost more than the $5 shipping, since you'dbe sending for 13+ kids instead of just one. :/
We could do that. I still feel that one child sending to another child is a little more personable than having each kid make something and each family buy stuff for as many kids as are entered. I myself have two, Kat, you have two (right?), TMN has two, Lulu has three, Mama2my4 has, well, 4, lol. That's 13 right there. Then you'd have to pay shipping twice for each child, once to me to sort everything, then once for me to send it back. It'll cost more than the $5 shipping, since you'dbe sending for 13+ kids instead of just one. :/

I think if we PM you the ages and genders of our kids and you can coordinate it like the egg swaps, maybe try to pair kids up with another kid close to their own age, then the kids can have an actual child in mind to pick out a gift for...
The kid swap idea is a great one. My kids love getting stuff in the mail. I normally will get them eggs from the swaps.
Mine are much older, so I don't think I will participate, but I think it is a wonderful idea.
I like the idea of a swap for the kids. Like the egg or WYG type swap. But not the Idea of a mystery box/envelope. Might be simpler just to do a swap then Betta wouldn't be having to sort and distribute. Could do a 5 or $10 value limit. I have 3 kids, and I really don't want a another box of "stuff" but rather know exactly what their getting.
yes ma'am, I have 5...lol but two at home!

god knows I spoil my boys....would be nice if we could spoil each others kids once a month and the kids still get the excitement from it...if you can't cover shipping, on a box etc...then maybe a gift card or something? or even a couple bucks in an hello type card or letter? and like TMN said...just pair them up according to age, with a list of allergies etc like the swaps....instead of shipping to you and then on to recipient....mine are 12 and 10 and 1/2 have to put that in there cause he isnt just 10 anymore...or so I have been told!
We could do that. I still feel that one child sending to another child is a little more personable than having each kid make something and each family buy stuff for as many kids as are entered. I myself have two, Kat, you have two (right?), TMN has two, Lulu has three, Mama2my4 has, well, 4, lol. That's 13 right there. Then you'd have to pay shipping twice for each child, once to me to sort everything, then once for me to send it back. It'll cost more than the $5 shipping, since you'dbe sending for 13+ kids instead of just one.
We may participate in this depending on how it turns out. I have a 12 yo son and 17 yo daughter, but they love surprises!
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