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Ok, I got the last of my packages sent out today to everyone that I owed on here. Sorry for the delay everyone. Things have been hectic here.

Update on my MIL: After the series of Radiation treatments the cancer continues to grow in her brain, lymphnoids and Lungs. They tell the treatment hasn't worked and to keep doing treatment to prolong her life which it will make the cancer move slower but will not stop it as of now. They are giving her 2 yrs to live if that. If the medicine keeps slowing it down. She is always tired and doesn't sound very good. I have downsized a lot in my animals here so we can visit down there for a while and make a few visits. It doesn't sound/look good at all.

I haven't been swapping and probably won't for awhile due to everything going on. Once I get the rest of my swap completed from other chains I won't be once very much at all till all of this settles down around here. I am worried about my FIL who has lost a wife already to cancer and now is going to loose this one. I am not sure how he is going to take it all.

Anyways I hope everyone is well and I will pop in once in a awhile.

Take Care Everyone.
I truly hope that things settle down for you soon. Cancer is not only hard on the person with the illness, but so stressful on those around them. Don't forget to take care of yourself, too.
They felt they removed it. It was an intraductal papilloma. They want me to go back in 6 months. They scare you half to death. First you get a mammogram. Then they call you and say there is an area of concern and they need to do a more concentrated mammogram. Then they call you back saying it is suspicious and you need a biopsy. Then they call you back and say you need to see the surgeon. Surgeon feels the lump was removed during biopsy come back in 6 months to make sure there is no changes. PHEW!!!!! And a lot of radiation later, I think I glow at night.
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Hi everyone. Many of us have packed our swapping bags and have moved. Please PM me if you have not heard where everyone is hanging out these days.
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