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Thanks everyone I appreciate it.
okay... I have yet another newbie question. How much is a jar of "Alaska Goodies" worth??

I know that it is like 6 eggs = one pint of jam and all that... but what would like, one pint of canned salmon be? Or canned crab? Or halibut? Or cockles? Or smoked salmon? What about when hunting season starts? What would be the value range of a can of deer meat? I know that people here sell cases of 5oz tin cans of salmon for like $300 and honestly, that is ridiculous. I would *think* it would be worth more than jelly or jam, but if no one on the swap WANTS it, I guess it's not really worth *anything*, now is it?? hahaha.
Any opinions/input would be nice.
Oooh. Pricing, I am not of any help there :( I only know what stuff like deer and boar meat go for around here.
okay... I have yet another newbie question. How much is a jar of "Alaska Goodies" worth??

I know that it is like 6 eggs = one pint of jam and all that... but what would like, one pint of canned salmon be? Or canned crab? Or halibut? Or cockles? Or smoked salmon? What about when hunting season starts? What would be the value range of a can of deer meat? I know that people here sell cases of 5oz tin cans of salmon for like $300 and honestly, that is ridiculous. I would *think* it would be worth more than jelly or jam, but if no one on the swap WANTS it, I guess it's not really worth *anything*, now is it?? hahaha.
Any opinions/input would be nice.
Canned crab? Wow, I would swap a purse for that! I love crab.

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