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Canned crab? Wow, I would swap a purse for that! I love crab.


My father is the type to really exaggerate everything, so when he told us that the crab up here tastes better than what we get on the Oregon Coast, we thought he was just exaggerating. But it really does have a lot more flavor. Most of what we catch here does. I don't know why...?
My father is the type to really exaggerate everything, so when he told us that the crab up here tastes better than what we get on the Oregon Coast, we thought he was just exaggerating. But it really does have a lot more flavor. Most of what we catch here does. I don't know why...?
My Mom is from Maryland so of course she loves the blue crabs and so do I, but I like any crab its so much better then lobster, I like it to. I am from California raised there and miss the ocean.
okay... I have yet another newbie question. How much is a jar of "Alaska Goodies" worth??

I know that it is like 6 eggs = one pint of jam and all that... but what would like, one pint of canned salmon be? Or canned crab? Or halibut? Or cockles? Or smoked salmon? What about when hunting season starts? What would be the value range of a can of deer meat? I know that people here sell cases of 5oz tin cans of salmon for like $300 and honestly, that is ridiculous. I would *think* it would be worth more than jelly or jam, but if no one on the swap WANTS it, I guess it's not really worth *anything*, now is it?? hahaha.
Any opinions/input would be nice.

Do you make deer jerky? Oh the smoked salmon sounds wonderful. Or venison crusted in whole peppercorns. I have a daughter who is currently living in LA that LOVES smoked salmon. She might be interested in just cash exchange. But she is also a clothing designer and if you were interested in some original design work she might be up for a trade.
It is house shoes made of seal. I think. Unsure. See if I can get a picture or some thing
There are several people her who make stuff like that. But they charge A LOT. My mom had a friend who was going to make a baby hat for me out of seal, and he said he would ONLY charge her $30. Normally it's like $75 or something. FOR A NEWBORN SIZE HAT. LOL
Do you make deer jerky? Oh the smoked salmon sounds wonderful. Or venison crusted in whole peppercorns. I have a daughter who is currently living in LA that LOVES smoked salmon. She might be interested in just cash exchange. But she is also a clothing designer and if you were interested in some original design work she might be up for a trade.

I haven't made deer jerky because we couldn't hunt last year - we had no car! XP Anyways, we have a friend who smokes our salmon for us. We usually give him half and he smokes the other half for us. :) When the fish come in in a few weeks, message me again about your daughter!
Well, my husband just got off the phone and my MIL has 6 Months to live not 2-3 yrs like we thought. She has stage 4 Lung cancer and I have no idea what stage her brain and lympthnoid cancer is. But, it doesn't look good.

I hope everyone else gets better news that has been struggling with family things and thereselves.
I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. Prayers are being said for her and all the family.
So sorry Michelle

There is only one that knows when your mother in laws time will be up on this earth or all of us for that matter. Try to make her as comfortable as possible and to have her continue doing as many things that she enjoys for as long as she can. So many people hear this kind of news and then stop living. Ask the hard questions about her wishes for last arrangements and who she wants to have special items from her. It will hopefully keeps the people who seems to always come out of the cracks after death to get whatever they can. Sending prayers for your family to get through this.
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