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I never said we didn't have exsperience. Dbf has built for nearly half his life. Also the porch is not 2 story's. Let me try to explain it better it will have a deck built where the apartment is and steps down. Does that help? Also we have to be out of here in 5 days.

Oh, well if he has built things before then you have a better chance of successfully completing it. I would take it. Even if I didn't get everything done by the time it was move in if you get the most important things done you most likely will be fine unless the folks you are going to be renting from are just complete jerks. Since the porch is actually a landing and staircase I would focus on that so that you can actually get you stuff in. You can hang the cabinets after the fact if you have to. Just try to finish one room where you can put all your boxes and then as you finish the kitchen move all the kitchen stuff into it then the bedroom and move the bedroom stuff into it, etc. It is a lot to do in five days but it beats being homeless. Plan on lots of coffee and tea and energy drinks. Peppermint candy is good for alertness too because you are going to be forfeiting a lot of sleep. Vitamin B complex. And remember be careful of operating power tools if you have become exhausted. The best you can hope for is making the wrong measurement/cut the worst is a trip to the emergency room.

I'll leave you with a quote from my Army days.

"We the unwilling lead by the unknowing have done so much with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing!" Good Luck!
It is to late now. We are moving animals to my friends house tomorrow and Monday and putting everything in a storage unit. The women never gave me an answer. I have been packing forever it seems like. I'm washing clothes so I can pack them. But I must finish packing. Hope you all have a good week.
It is to late now. We are moving animals to my friends house tomorrow and Monday and putting everything in a storage unit. The women never gave me an answer. I have been packing forever it seems like. I'm washing clothes so I can pack them. But I must finish packing. Hope you all have a good week.

I found this ad in Craig's List. Don't know if it is something you can use but I am passing it along just in case.

[email protected] [?]
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Posted: 2013-06-12, 10:38AM CDT
Mini Farms for Sale with guaranteed financing! (Coffee County)

Property for Sale! (3 to 5 acre farms) Owner financing! Everyone can qualify!!!

-Located in Coffee County
-ONLY $295 Down
-No closing costs.
-Monthly payments which begin around $143.18 per month!
-360 months term.
-Interest rate of 7.9% fixed!
-I allow mobile homes.

Feel free to contact me with a reply to this post for more information.
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posting ID: 3866031247
Posted: 2013-06-12, 10:38AM CDT
Updated: 2013-06-18, 9:42AM CDT
My dogs killed my Japanese Bantam rooster this morning. I am so sad! He was just starting to crow... I think he was outside of the brooder when I brought my dogs into the kennel building with me this morning and I didn't know it. They have been so good lately... I let my guard down, and it cost him his life... Poor baby. I failed him....
My dogs  killed my Japanese Bantam rooster this morning. I am so sad!  He was just starting to crow...  I think he was outside of the brooder when I brought my dogs into the kennel building with me this morning and I didn't know it.  They have been so good lately...  I let my guard down, and it cost him his life...  Poor baby.  I failed him....

Definitely not your fault. For the most part, dogs and chickens just don't mix. Unless it's a specific breed of dog specifically trained just for the purpose of keeping chickens alive, most dogs have the instinct to kill. :( It's just in their nature.
Hi everyone sorry about the hold up. I have lots of quilting books and some girls patterns I will be putting up later today. I have been so busy with yard work chicks and eggs. I have three bators going right now, one with Guinea's, one with EE's and one with Jersey Giants and some unknown brown eggs. The EE's were suppose to hatch yesterday still waiting, I candled and seen movement so...........? I will be making purses made out of chicken fabric prints to add to my swapping this week. I am starting this week to say no to people so I can get my own stuff done.

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