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Hey guys sorry I have not been on here for a few months. Was waiting for swaps owed to me to arrive before I swapped again. But unfortunately I still have not received many. It's really disappointing when I have sent all mine out.
x2 Paulette. So sorry it's very disappointing. We are hoping we can police the WYGS on the other site a little better and we can put up a list and ban people who have not sent their swaps. In my opinion if you don't follow through then you should have a list of swaps owed and a banned list for all to see. For goodness sake it worked for 2 years.

BTW - I am up over on the other swap.
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PerhPs i
x2 Paulette.  So sorry it's very disappointing.  We are hoping we can police the WYGS on the other site a little better and we can put up a list and ban people who have not sent their swaps.   In my opinion if you don't follow through then you should have a list of swaps owed and a banned list for all to see.  For goodness sake it worked for 2 years.

BTW - I am  up over on the other swap.
t would be more acceptable if we approached it with a simple " notification of outstanding debit" then we can decide for ourself if we would like to continue to claim from said tardy person?!? I don't see why we could not keep this kind I communication clear as long as we were respectful and open to fuffilment... Then we could make properly informed decisions....
PerhPs i
t would be more acceptable if we approached it with a simple " notification of outstanding debit" then we can decide for ourself if we would like to continue to claim from said tardy person?!? I don't see why we could not keep this kind I communication clear as long as we were respectful and open to fuffilment... Then we could make properly informed decisions....
It is against BYC rules.
I think that some people had extra cash that they could send out a package anytime they wanted to without having to budget for it. Only now things have tightened up so that you have to truly consider if you can afford to ship something. I have only done one swap because of the lack of money to even pay postage. I had to pay some traffic fines this month and it blew my budget. I think that people get excited and think they can swap but then fail to calculate all that is coming at them and then are too embarrassed to own up to having hard times. Because our society has a subtext that having hard times is somehow an indicative of the ultimate failure and they must be unworthy people.

Unfortunately, many children from my generation ('70's) and in increasing numbers after that were not taught to stand up and take responsibility for their actions. They were not taught how to handle a situation that (whether their fault or not) that had gone wrong and inform people and work out a solution. They resort to the reactions of children and hide or lie about it and try to deny any responsibility. They were taught to play a big deception game at which you can only win so long before you will lose. Always made to feel that this was their only option if they didn't want to be despised as incompetent Losers.

Having ADD I have no choice but not to play the deception game. I can't keep up the pretense long enough even if I want to. I have learned to limit the number of things I promise because otherwise I will forget something. If I ever forget something for one of you just let me know and I will make it right.
I smoked 7 fish in a test run today. Unfortunately only about half turned out because I left the house and the chips ran out XP oh well, I'm sure my dogs are happy. I'm going fishing again tomorrow and will be smoking whatever I get. So smoked salmon should be coming soon! I'm wondering though...i outed a few people canned stuff...i wonder if they want smoked salmon too? Lol
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