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Hello everyone! For some reason this thread was not showing up on my subscriptions and I thoughtit might have died.

Good to see everyone! Fruit did you get my pm about the quail? The girls are so freaked I'm down to 10 or so eggs a day. Farm fox got one of my silkie mammas defending her chicks too. I'm getting new traps but its crazy until then.

I'm going to try and resubscribe to this thread so I see y'all again!
You're doing fine, we're all here for each other.
Look at these cuties from wallabyofchaos 9 out of 12 hatched not to shabby.
BBS Cochin Bantam to add more fluffiness to my flock.

I personally understand that " things" happen but sometimes it gets ridiculous ESPECIALLY when every once in awhile they pop on and " claim" swaps!!! REALLY? Swapping again when you haven't even made an EFFORT at all to contact me? I was in the hospital came out and sent mine! I sent my swaps of some expensive eggs TO this person! It has been months since my SPRING eggs were supposed to be shipped one person even told me they were about to ship mine and that she would send me the tracking number in a day or two...NOPE never heard from her again. And this other person a big swapper on here having real personal issues I understand....but I sent MY eggs in good faith and I can't even GET A MESSAGE!? I am so super frustrated have messaged several times have been told by others NOT to message this person in the forum...ok great well can I PLEASE get an idea if I can even still expect them? Why can't people find out for me since you can biofuels tak to the person on the phone...ok so I might be BEYOND frustrated at this point. I have THREE people who owe me spring eggs or summer ones. There is really no excuse for not even sending. Message...I even had my MOTHER die ( we were incredibly close) I SENT MINE!

Ok rant over.
Hi there, no there is no excuse to take that long I don't care what is going on unless of course you died. Someone ought to do something about this, don't know what but something. I am so sorry this has happened to you.

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