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They are very lovely. I especially like this guys coloring. I have an old 20 gallon aquarium that has a cracked bottom that I am adapting to hold some button quail. I am going to glue a thin wood board with a Masonite surface to the bottom inside and fix a hard ware and wood frame lid for the top. As soon as I have this set up we will have to see if we have stuff to trade. I am still waiting for my Olive Egger pullets to lay. The roosters are doing their part, just got to get the girls on board.
Oh yeah that ones coloring is amazing. The picture doesn't even do him justice because he's got red on him in splashes as well. Yes 20 gallon tank would work great for these guys! I'm in the process of re-wiring an above ground chicken coop with hardware cloth. Right now I have them in a ferry nation cage and a couple of those plastic rabbit crates. They work fine as long as they are full grown buttons. The smaller ones can get through the wiring. I have a couple bird cages as well that I use for the younger ones.

Yeah let me know :) I'm not picky about trading. I'll take pretty much anything because even if I don't want it there's sure to be someone that does!
This sounds pretty cool.. not sure how it works but guess I will figure it out. I'd like to participate.
I just finished up a huge batch of apple butter. 80 pints made the old fashioned way in a huge copper kettle over an open flame and stirred for hours. This was my best batch ever. It was made with my own grimes and golden apples and just enough winesap apples to keep the sugar content low.

I also have just finished drying my hickory nuts and made big batches of my favorite hickory nut syrup. The best on French toast. Yummmm.
Originally Posted by shannondee12

I just finished up a huge batch of apple butter. 80 pints made the old fashioned way in a huge copper kettle over an open flame and stirred for hours. This was my best batch ever. It was made with my own grimes and golden apples and just enough winesap apples to keep the sugar content low.

I also have just finished drying my hickory nuts and made big batches of my favorite hickory nut syrup. The best on French toast. Yummmm.

This sounds pretty cool.. not sure how it works but guess I will figure it out. I'd like to participate.

Oh yeah that ones coloring is amazing. The picture doesn't even do him justice because he's got red on him in splashes as well. Yes 20 gallon tank would work great for these guys! I'm in the process of re-wiring an above ground chicken coop with hardware cloth. Right now I have them in a ferry nation cage and a couple of those plastic rabbit crates. They work fine as long as they are full grown buttons. The smaller ones can get through the wiring. I have a couple bird cages as well that I use for the younger ones.

Yeah let me know
I'm not picky about trading. I'll take pretty much anything because even if I don't want it there's sure to be someone that does!
This is the chat of the What Ya Got Swap to keep chatter off the swap thread and as far as I know is not closed.
its been awhile since I've posted...just been busy and no time to chat. anyhoo, saturday I went to the ohio national poultry show and saw some amazing birds. anyone here breed large fowl cochins? I'd like to get ahold of some eggs in early spring. I adore the bantams but they seem to disappear more so than the big guys. I can trade for ancona duck eggs or possibly OEs or purchase outright. ..but like I said I wont be ready until spring..just getting some contacts in line. thanks! hope everyone is doing well.
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