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x2 I've never had creamed honey but it sounds soooooo goooood
What did it say on the eggs that hatched? I write the roos name on them and can tell better by what you will get when they are grown than by chick color. I have so many change as they mature that I have to go by the genetics and not color to let me know what they will be.

I think the Silkie will be blue because I have a splash roo over blue and black hens but have no idea what is behind some of the blue hens as they look like they may have partridge in them.
They are new this summer.

The yellow chick should be from my Mille Fleur Cochin project and should pattern out MF at around 4 months old but you will see a lot of white feathers mixed with reds and black feathers before that time. By 6 months old you will have a stunning Cochin. This egg should have said Trist, Fred, Schm or XVR. I doubt it would have been from Fred or Schmoozle but they could produce a yellow chick, just not as likely as Xavier and Tristan.

I am sorry you had only 2 to hatch!
More is always better! Unless it is the pounds on my hips!

x2 I've never had creamed honey but it sounds soooooo goooood

It is 10 times better than regular honey!
I have it up on my swap page now but I can't swap until Sunday.
I've been trying to talk DH into getting me some bees. I know pretty much nothing about them though. Does anyone have a good boook they would reccomend for me to read that would teach a complete newbie what they need to know?

Happy birthday April! Sorry about your lil piggie.
I wanted to tell you that I have recieved a bunch of compliments on my bracelets I got from your etsy shop. Everyone who sees them loves them.
I got eggs today from BHep, Corancher, Laura Bisel (sp?), and Bout Thyme Farm - all but one made it!

Also, I'm withdrawing from swapping for a while, I owe several people packages and have had some bad stuff happen financially. When I get a paycheck (hopefully tomorrow!!!) I will square everything away ASAP. Thanks for your patience, swap partners, and sorry for the delay.
Sounds like we're all suffering! I haven't offered honey or anything really heavy because I really need the postage to be as low as possible and the honey only fits in large flat rate boxes
I'm definitely slowing down my swapping as well between finances and pregnancy it's getting to be kind of crazy! It's a real bummer but a sad truth.

Too bad I don't play the lottery
That would make swapping a cake walk!

I got eggs today from Tricia - all of them made it and from Shelly - only lost 1 I think. I have to candle and set them in the morning! I'm really excited! Granted I really shouldn't be hatching chicks right now
but what's a girl to do?!??!?

Now i'm going to load up on Ginger tea! Night all!
So sorry that you are going through the financial stuff. We have all been there and know that it really stinks. Hopefully all my eggs made it okay, though. Sorry, I forgot to put a note with my BYC username with it. I'm the Laura Bisel - coldupnorth
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