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Happy Anniversary! enjoy a night off from cooking!
Okay Happyhens. I used a jar of the pizza sauce tonight. I got 4 pizzas out of the jar of sauce. My kids loved it. It is very good. I liked it very much.
Thanks so much.
Geesh, now I want pizza!

I have more sauce if you want to swap!

If you see something you'd like I'd be glad to.

Enjoy your night out Coopscoop and happy anniversary!!
I don't have the link but the one I saw that was so high where porcelain silkies. They where beautiful too. Well the ones that laid the eggs that went for so much. Somebody wanted those eggs really bad.
Stuck in the coop, your eggs should reach you Monday.... I forgot to put your number on it BUT I DID remember to write HOLD FOR PICKUP on it, so look for it monday at the PO I figured it might not be a catastrophe since you said you knew the post master. I am sorry about that, it was all I could do to remember they were to go out! I have literally BEAT THE CRAP out of myself this week guys, I have a bruise and welt the size of a GRAPEFRUIT on my upper right arm.... thatll teach me to slam the cabinet... I hit it on the bathroom door frame... HARD. Hurts like the dickens. I tried to cut the tip of my finger off the day before that with one of those pizza cutter looking fabric cutters, and today i dropped a bar at work on my head.... it is NOT my week. Hope all this accident prone-ness is over with now... sheesh....

On a good happy note, I have BABIES! On another happy note I candled the 5 eggs I had left from Nat, and one which was iffy when I put it under the hen decided it didnt like me but the other 4 are developing and doing great! YAY! So I hope they all hatch and I end up with 4 lav splits! haha... Here are some baby pictures, (peggy, this is what you might get when you hatch what I am sending you)

A yellow and light cream colored chipmink

My guess is momma was a white EE and Daddy was the one on my swap page


The mommas of these are GLC and the daddy is the one on my swap page

Here is a bonus pic, this is the lone silkie I hatched out from the silkie eggs I got from the swap a few months ago, I think it was henthymes that sent them but I am not positive
That will be great. I have 2 others that should be here next week too, so it worked out great! Your baby pictures are so adorable. I can't wait for new little fuzzy butts.

Take care of yourself! It stinks when you repeatedly hurt yourself. I do it to my hands way too much and have the scars to prove it
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