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Not sure how to clean them if you could use bleach or not. On the swapping of them it depends really. If it is a common mold that you could get at a craft store like Pat Catans You can get them there for $3.17 each. But if the craft stores don't sell them and you have to get them off online they range from $5-$10 Depending from where you get them and the design. So it is really up to you. Hope this helps a little.

Thanks........ will try to bleach them. One is just common round type and others are heart shape, will have to look them up I guess.
How did the hatch go?

I have 4 MFC eggs that go into lockdown today. 2 Fred and 2 Schm... I didn't see Fred on your web site. What do you exoect with these 2 pens?

The eggs from you had the 1 that may have been from you or my hens go into lockdown yesterday.
Pretty good but not sure which chicks came from what eggs since I was gone for almost all the hatching.One bantam egg of yours did hatch.Only 2 of reese's eggs hatched.

One chick is grey with yellow tips very cute..
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I'd like to take full credit for it BUT-85% of that info I already knew-but in researching it ....that "article" I posted covered all the info I didn't in what I typed- So I deleted most of what I typed since the article put it in sequential order.. I replaced and posted it:) thank you!

Go Jim go!!!!!
Pretty good but not sure which eggs came from what eggs since I was gone for almost all the hatching.One bantam egg of yours did hatch.Only 2 of reese's eggs hatched.

One chick is grey with yellow tips very cute..

That stinks. I hate when that happens. I just got some new ameraucana hens in too. The guy told me they were molting but the next day I got 6 eggs from all 6 of them. He just had a mean rooster that was plucking them. He was gonna eat the poor girls. I told him the girls don't get eaten here. They get to free range so they are happy campers. They are already starting to get there feathers back and they lay green eggs.
Yay so glad you liked it!

Here's one of them that I made last night with your sauce. Was a big hit with the kids. I love the sweetness of it. We don't like the spicy sauce that most pizza places use.
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