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I think only one did not hatch of those that made it to lock down. I believe you sent 7, one was clear, one did not hatch so I got 5/7. Pretty cool!
Bwahaha at greenpeeps! Yeah it is addicting, I jsut snatched eggs from shelly and my grandfather is already fussing about too many birds LOL. I dont blame him though I work 2 jobs and most of the time 6 days a week, so he does a lot more than I do lately... plus he is the builder of the coops, he is already fussing about having to build "pens" to seperate the calls, I told him, I am going to clip their wings so they dont need a tall pen with a top sheesh just throw up a few fences and they will be FINE! But OH NO he is all in LOL. Not to mention the piglet... she aint a piglet no more LOL. She must be gettin on about 25-30 lbs now and she is getting a little big for her little pen but I told him, we are butchering her out at about 80lbs and the more room she has to excercise the longer it'll take to get her fat as we want LOL. (dont you love my terrible english today?)
So I convinced him to let her be for a while lol. EMVickery, I think I ended up with like 3 boys and 2 girls out of my hatch lol cause three are getting very advanced in the comb area in comparison to the other two. But the funny thing is all the suspected boys are the calicos... haha. Oh well, I am happy to have gotten the lav split eggs from Nat hopefully I will get more girls. Pretty sure the one buff I got out of the other hatch is a girl. Fingers crossed. Now if I could only figure out whether my turkey is a boy or a girl.... LOL. Wish the yokohamas would start laying.... weird little girl...

cant wait for the fair 6-16, entering some of my choc chip cookies and a peach cobbler if I can get my hands on some late season peaches, mmmm albertas! I saw some peaches at the farmers market here but they are like prince alberts or something and I want to make the cobbler with albertas! GRR... lol. Man oh man... I got a new camera this morning I ordered it on Walmart.com with my bill me later, I paid 30 dollars less than what it was priced for at the store too.... all I did ws choose the pick up today option once I got there I just went to where layaway used to be and picked it up no lines and no waiting except for the wait for someone to help me lol. I am in love it is the newer version of the camera I already had, the old one was a fuji S2000 this one is a Fuji S2940 (same as the S2950 just a different number so they can mark the price down for walmart customers lol) it has smile detection, blink detection, tracking, and an AMAZING panorama feature. I am already in love with it, cant wait to get outside and take some killer pictures with it. I wanted it before the fair came in and since I didnt get ANYTHING from ANYONE for my birthday I figured I could justify it as a birthday present to myself lol. Just a few weeks late, I plan on going to Dublin to a friends farm next week and taking a pretty large lot of bantams to her and her (extra) male mandarin we accidently ended up with while they were in eclipse and coming home with my female mandie, a white call female, snowy call male, and a few who knows what LOL. Hoping to get to go fishing as well, if we do it will probably be a day trip over to blackshear
sorry I am long winded today! LOL
Oh yeah! Another one caught in the web! Bahhahahahaaa!

I am so hooked and keep telling more folks about it. I got a snotty look from DH last week when I shipped out so many boxes but I told him it was good for business!
He is pretty cool about stuff and I always make sure I show him all the great stuff I get in. Somehow, he is just not thrilled with the nice smelling soaps like DD and I am!
But he was tickled to see all the jams and jellies.
Oh yeah! Another one caught in the web! Bahhahahahaaa!

I am so hooked and keep telling more folks about it. I got a snotty look from DH last week when I shipped out so many boxes but I told him it was good for business!
He is pretty cool about stuff and I always make sure I show him all the great stuff I get in. Somehow, he is just not thrilled with the nice smelling soaps like DD and I am!
But he was tickled to see all the jams and jellies.

I thought my grandpa was gonna pass out when I told him I spent 40 dollars in shipping last week
I still love all the swaps and chains.. gives me a chance to get new breeds that I don't have... and don't get me started on just what breeds I am concentrating on.. I have no clue..lol

Wow, thats great. So I take it my packing method works well. I figure if they get zapped with x-ray they may get damaged but it seems having them upright and secured together helps keep the air cells safe. I could start wrapping them with foil to ward off x-ray. But with only 1 clear I doubt that is from x-ray. Thats what I've had here is 1 clear and 1 no hatch. Sometimes they have all been fertile but there is always one or a couple that don't hatch.

Thank you all for the replies. I like to know how things are going since I don't hatch alot here myself. I either trade or sell most of them. I will be soon though.
OK FOLKS eggs and packages sent ( except PDSavage:( )-we need to talk girl!

ShellyGa 03103490000050853520
Bethany 03103490000050853544
Jim H 03103490000050853537

and I sent someone 12$ to their paypal-I only offered this once so if it's "You" that sees it-you have $

I should be all caught up except PD's
I received my goats milk soaps soaps and they smell devine! Cannot wait to hop in the shower and give them a try.
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