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Quick question here. I do some serious handcrafting when I'm not staring at the chickens, working on my psych degree, playing with the chickens, cleaning house, and working outside with the chickens. Are handcrafted items useful for swapping? I do crochet, machine and hand sewing, quilling (it's a paper craft), cross stitch, etc. If these are suitable, I would love to be able to swap with someone. After my birds get going, I could then add eggs in on the deal. However, I wanted to check before posting something like that.
Ok, chick and egg update!
Deb- Chicks are all doing super, all 10 are still going strong. Its so warm here I've been taking them outside during the day, they follow me all over the yard! I need to get a picture of it. I also moved them into the outdoor brooder, I need to see how they do in the middle of the day, night time shouldn't be a problem, low of 59 with a heat lamp.

Beth- 15 out of 15 eggs are showing development, looking good! I promise I won't candle again for a week.

Michelle- 10 out of 13 are developing. Not sure if I mentioned that the post office here isn't the nicest to boxes, so 4 were broken when they got here, but 10 are going sooo...yea!

long story short, i'm gonna have chicks out the ears in a few weeks, after the next hatch I think i'm going to have to stagger my hatches, that brooder isn't nearly big enough....good thing my sister has a nice big garage she has been wanting me to organize, I think i can make a chick area.

Plastic storage bins make good brooders in a pinch. What, you don't let them follow you into the house and jump in bed with you ? :-D I slept with a baby goat one night, but don't tell my husband!
I found the perfect fabric to make my kitchen curtains. I"ve been looking for months and months and finally found it. I"m glad it took so long. If I had found it before I would have made too many for this house and they would have sat in a drawer. And luckily there was a little more than what I needed so I can also make some pot holders to match and maybe a mitt. I'll hang them on my rooster hook I got from Yoda.

I found a shelf that i'll paint and put all my chicken figurines on that are in my window. I also found the cutest rooster clock at walmart. I rarely go shopping so today was a real treat and the finds topped it all off. It makes me want to go find my sewing stuff and get started now. But they're buried in the den with all the other stuff I have still yet to put away from the move. Dh is going to put of this paneling that looks like white tiles but it's a panel not tiles. It washed easily. It's going in the kitchen then the cabinets are getting painted one color and the door another. I'l find rooster knobs for the doors and decals to put on the doors.

I haven't swapped in a few weeks. Anybody have any rooster knobs (alot of them), rooster and or chicken decals? I have 19 doors and 7 drawers so I need alot of both. I have silkie and sizzle eggs. And JB cortunix eggs. All the hens in the bbs pen are laying and both the black girls are SQ. Two partridges are laying and one of those is SQ. Only 1 white hen is laying and I get anywhere from 2 to 3 sizzle eggs a day. I've got a snake problem and sometimes I don't get any. We dispatched a cotton mouth just a few days ago. There are copper head nested somewhere around the garage too.
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