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I would just wait until you hear from her. Since she hasn't been on the forum, it is hard to say what may be going on in her life right now. You have no way of knowing if the address you have is still good. If she is still at the same address but currently not hatching a surprise bunch of eggs in the mail would not be a good thing. If your birds are not laying when she gets back to you then you go back to the wait until they lay again.

I have eggs that I am waiting on from a couple of people because their birds stopped laying and I owe a batch of Golden Laced Orpington when they start laying again.

It makes me anxious owing eggs.

I understand. I don't like owing eggs either.
Golden laced orpingtons.....such as thing... I didn't know they came in anything but buff and bbs


And I do not need another breed
Golden laced orpingtons.....such as thing... I didn't know they came in anything but buff and bbs


And I do not need another breed

you're telling me, i'm already doubling the pen and adding to the coop....and then i have to go help my sister get setup at her place...ah, the power of chicks!
i think there are red orps and lav orps and a couple of others Tommy.

Nat, I got pics of the babies last night, I decidedly names one sweeney todd... tee hee, it is almost all black with I guess a little yellow or white in the underlying feathers, but he/she has ONE stripe across one side of its face that is totally white.... LMAO
I have been on a sweeney todd kick, I watched the 1982 broadway production all the way through on you tube at work yesterday (for those of you wishing you were me... dont.... it aint all roses and youtube here, I work so much I accidently sent my daughter to school monday and they are on fall break... teacher FORGOT to mention it and I NEVER look at the lunch menu...) anywho, I got pics last night and I will post them later this evening when I get home from work unless I forget then I will do it tomorrow.

FAIR starts on Thursday! YAY! I cant wait. I am going to the Blake Shelton Concert on Saturday night after work (at my other job, one where I actually work my tush off!) and Thursday I get to find out whether I got a ribbon on anything I entered into the competitions, unfortunately when we fixed the breaker box, the breakers we had for the voen werent big enough so no oven, so no peach cobbler or choc chip cookies for the competitions...
Oh well maybe next year!
There are also Chocolate,Lemon Cuckoo, Lavendar, and Jubilee (although they are really,,,,really EXPENSIVE) We have the Lemon Cuckoo( thats not spelled right)Orpingtons.
Golden laced orpingtons.....such as thing... I didn't know they came in anything but buff and bbs

I actually saw the beautiful English Golden Laced Orpingtons several years ago and at the time there were no imports in the US so I went about creating my own and I think I have some that are really close to the English birds in color but not size yet.



I also have a pair of the English import Golden Laced Orpingtons that are around 10-12 weeks. Picture is what they looked like when I received them from Greenfire Farms. They look 100% better now after a few weeks of tender care.

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