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I have a couple relatives that have had alot of their intestines removed. The last time it was because his intestines where dead. While they where in there trying to find some that was viable and his colon busted. They didn't think he would live thru the night. That was this past January. Right now he's sitting on my sofa but he has problems. He barely skated by not having to have the bag. If anything else happens it's the bag or wait till he dies. There isn't but 2 feet of intestines in him. What they call what his condition is, is short bowel syndrome. He's suppose to have diarreah and have to be on alot of things because he don't hae enough intestines to filter out the vitamins and minerals his body needs to survive. He is partly the opposite. He stays stopped up and can't afford the things to keep his body healthy.

He get so sick sometimes because of his current problems caused by him loosing his intestines. He should have gotten approved for disability right away and able to get the meds he requires to survive but he's having to fight the disability denials while he bops from home to home because he can't work to support himself. He just turned 28 years old last month.

So, unless it's absolutely necessary to remove something so vital as intestines, leave them right where they are. I know I have pain so bad in my feet that i've said I wish I could take them off and sit them on a shelf so they could rest but in reality i'm glad I still have them. The pain just lets me know I need to get off them a while. I know my pain most likely doesn't even compare to yours but to me to have my feet hurt so bad I can't walk on them and have to use crutches to get to the bathroom. I'm still glad I still have feet to put my shoes on everyday so I can walk outside and tend to my chickens and walk around the yard and see the beautiful scenery.

If it's the appendix it needs to be taken care of right away. Thats nothing to play with.
I'll say a prayer for you meepitqueenie. Hopefully they'll figure it out soon and give you some relief.
Sounds like my DH stomach, He produces to much acid and is under to much stress. He hates going in for tests so he's not much further in treatment. If I were you head to the health food store. They have a aloe drink that helps to heal your stomach lining. Oh and stay away from over indulging in tums, they will cause constipation, which makes everything even worse. You also need to control your stress, which makes you produce more acid, which causes ulcers and pits in the stomach lining. Good Luck !!
And if you take acid reducers too long you get cysts. I love how they only test them for a few weeks and try to put you on them for life. All of the medical options cause side effects and more pain. Natural options don't have side effects, are cheap, and aren't ruining the liver and kidneys like meds. And the medical profession doesn't have a cure, they have pills to mask symptoms. I do ACV, honey, kava, aloe, nettle, active charcoal, probiotics usually just in yogurt, etc.

Has anyone tried switching to raw milk and seeing if that impacts you at all? I was thinking that it may be a good way to get off the Tums and get more calcium.
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