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I am getting real sick of the auctions here now. I miss the old auctions on here. I can't sell crap and none of the other sites have ever worked real well since Eggbid.com went down. I was selling stuff here but since they changed it I haven't sold anything so all my extra money I was making seized to exsist now. I tried the facebook auction and no such luck there either. But it is kinda the same format too.

Is anyone else having the same problem. I am gonna have to sell off some of my stock if things don't get better.

I can't even sell any of my Home made items anymore.

Yes, there seem to be more people looking at archives than auctions any more. I did really well on selling polish eggs on Ebay, now the hens need to get busy. I am very tired right now, considering down sizing as well. Bottle feeding one of Ninas triplets, little Slim, so I have a goat in my bedroom....
Hi Guys!
I got eggs today from Newton, NC
and have no clue who sent them or what they are LMAO!

Call it a really really bad blond moment cause I have no clue
I am thinking maybe it was suppose to go to someone else? Please help me it's driving me NUTS!

I figured it out! it's HENTHYMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are those teeny tiny eggs?

Are there letters on the eggs? Im going to say chocolate bantams?
Bottle feeding one of Ninas triplets, little Slim, so I have a goat in my bedroom....

Awww, I'd love this - hubby, not so much. When you get some time you need to update us on the babies. I guess little Slim wasn't thriving if your hand feeding him.

I see I'm still up on Swapping. Hoping it's just cuz everyone was out or away from 'puter on a Saturday night. You know I'm easy and will mix and match most everything. Make me an offer if you really want something.
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Awww, I'd love this - hubby, not so much. When you get some time you need to update us on the babies. I guess little Slim wasn't thriving if your hand feeding him.

I see I'm still up on Swapping. Hoping it's just cuz everyone was out or away from 'puter on a Saturday night. You know I'm easy and will mix and match most everything. Make me an offer if you really want something.

Id take two dozen blown eggs for a swap?
Sorry for the wait in answering - yes on 2 dozen. My internet is just funky lately. They are installing new fiber optic cable locally and keep messing up my connection. Today a reboot fixed it but who knows when it will go again
the most frustrating part is they are just putting the cable in, saying it may be years before someone buys the cable and provides faster service. I am 3 miles from the relay station, so my service is the slowest DSL you can get...still wayyyy faster than dial up.
Hope I didn't stall the thread too long, I was away from my computer most of yesterday and allnight, hoping it was because everyone else was away too...
Sorry if I did?!?
Hi Guys!
I got eggs today from Newton, NC
and have no clue who sent them or what they are LMAO!

Call it a really really bad blond moment cause I have no clue
I am thinking maybe it was suppose to go to someone else? Please help me it's driving me NUTS!

I figured it out! it's HENTHYMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are those teeny tiny eggs?

Well, glad you got them! Sorry, I have been soo preoccupied with things going on here that I haven't kept up with letting everyone know I got goodies or sent goodies.

The little ones are serama eggs that you claimed last fall, my girls are laying like crazy again so I figured I better get them sent.
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