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:( Cold. I've had a terrible bird week too. drowned chicks and eggs that went all teh way and didnt pip and a hawke that has it out for my show silkies. But I didnt ahve to see them like that. I'm so sorry .
Thank you everyone so much for your kind thoughts and words.

chiqita - so sorry about the hawks and your chicks/eggs..We have lots of hawks and eagles here and they are always circling over our field - one of the main reasons (along with neighbors dogs) that I can't free range. Hope your week gets better!
OK...my chicks are multiplying despite poor hatch rates. I went to the Mt Hope auction today & brought home 30 BB Bron2e poults, 65 assorted pullet chicks, 2 cochin hens (1 sitting on 14 eggs), a cochin roo & 10 barred rock chicks. Add those to the 2 Silkie chicks & Si22le roo from Michelle and the chicks that DID manage to hatch in the past 2 weeks & there are now over 100 birds in the basement and an extra 4 added to the coop. Anyone need chicks
For everyone wondering about the FNNEEs. ... Here are some I still have. I sell out and of course have just roosters left.

I will be hatching for myself this fall.

This rooster was a return and swap or a hen. He has awesome colors... he is going to live with a friend for a project.

Just for cute...have to love ducklings,especially when they are brooded outdoors.

Brooded and raised by non stop broody Silkies.

Super Funky !!
and a hen.... I refuse to sell. LOL

Showgirl from Reese.

Oh my word! I WANT that hen!!!!!

I'm so sorry for everyone's chicken troubles. On a bright note, hearing some of these hatching rates, I feel better about my own low success rate!
OK...my chicks are multiplying despite poor hatch rates. I went to the Mt Hope auction today & brought home 30 BB Bron2e poults, 65 assorted pullet chicks, 2 cochin hens (1 sitting on 14 eggs), a cochin roo & 10 barred rock chicks. Add those to the 2 Silkie chicks & Si22le roo from Michelle and the chicks that DID manage to hatch in the past 2 weeks & there are now over 100 birds in the basement and an extra 4 added to the coop. Anyone need chicks

That is too funny Nan..... I came home with 3 Lion head baby bunnies and 3 Nanny Goats one of which is a bottle baby and 1 Billy Goat.
I only paid $12 for the 3 lion heads and less than $100 for the Goats. Well hubby bought the goats for me for my B-day.
Has anyone seen any activity from zookeeper15133 ??? I claimed something from her over two weeks ago that was to be shipped that Saturday or following Monday and still nothing. I tried to pm her with no response???
Friday was a tough day. We were heading out to go camping with family and decided to do our chicken chores later in the day so that our chicken sitter could come later the next day. We discovered that something had gotten into our Orp pen. It killed my main blue roo inside the coop and ate part of him there, killed my beautiful blue hen and left her by the exit route they took over my 6' fence and took 1 black hen and 1 blue Jersey Giant hen over the fence and across the field. I think they tried to pull the blue hen over the fence, but she was too heavy. Fence was topped with netting, but they pulled up a corner to get in and out. I'm guessing either raccoons or more than likely the pesky Fisher that lives around here. I think it may have happened during the day because they were in their run. I'm not sure raccoons are strong enough to climb a 6' fence with a very very large bird (but maybe)- but Fishers are most certainly strong enough. I DO NOT want to meet a Fisher face to face; mean, mean little suckers that they are, My Orps are my favorite! These were SQ from Washington and were just beautiful and very large and very sweet. I have 1 black roo and 1 black hen left along with a blue JG hen. My youngest was very sad because the JGs were a birthday present for her last year. We've set a live trap and have not caught anything thing yet but will keep trying. We are also trying to reinforce the pen top. I do have 2 LO from corancher and 1 LO from BHep that are growing up and a small blue orp or 2 from crazypetlady- so they are a good consolation for the others' loss. My DH was even sad and he doesn't like the chickens.

Sometimes life just stinks!

The good things still outweigh the sucky things! We had great weekend camping with family
That is such a horrible feeling, I'm so sorry for your loss! We trapped three raccoons that would hide out under the chicken coop and come out at night. We don't do catch and release for predators like that! Especially when they get my chickens! My brother in law used sardines to lure them in and it really worked. Also, for the momma raccoon, our trap wasn't big enough and she was going in and stealing the meat without getting caught because her butt hung out the end, not allowing the door to close. She was big. I'm sure hoping you get the little bugger responsible!!
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