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RIP Spot. You'll be missed.

Awww.... So sorry Jim.
Is it my imagination, or are there lots of people losing pets/birds lately? I know I had to take out one of my very favorite hens because she was coughing and sneezing and not eating. Had to for the sake of the rest of the flock. Just made me sick to my stomach! I miss her very much. She was one of my best!
Is it my imagination, or are there lots of people losing pets/birds lately? I know I had to take out one of my very favorite hens because she was coughing and sneezing and not eating. Had to for the sake of the rest of the flock. Just made me sick to my stomach! I miss her very much. She was one of my best!
I lost a very good roo last month due to an illness of some sorts. I also lost one of my favorite sizzles to the heat and one to a predator. I lost a handsome lavender roo that had been shipped to me not long after he arrived to some mystery illness. My house chicken came down with a respiroty infection that took 2 rounds of antiboitics to cure. She's doing well now and I have a hen with a mystery illness that is making her not eat enough to thrive. I've tried antibiotics, worming and corrid and it seems the antibiotics made her act a little more active and start to eat but when put back in her pen she went back to being puny after about a week. So I reckon it's back to the antibiotics to see if that was it. I'll just keep her on it a little longer. She shows no signs of illness except for inactivity and when she's picked up i can tell she's very thin. I gave her salmon yesterday to try to urger her to eat and she did heat a little over half of it but I didn't give her much as it was. Today she hasn't eaten any of it.
Kimisfishing- how is your son's family doing? (I am 105 posts behind and the post about the fire was the last I read.) I don't know if they would be interested in toys but if so I would love their address to try get some to them. What age where the kiddos?
Is it my imagination, or are there lots of people losing pets/birds lately?  I know I had to take out one of my very favorite hens because she was coughing and sneezing and not eating.  Had to for the sake of the rest of the flock.  Just made me sick to my stomach!  I miss her very much.  She was one of my best!

So sorry! I do think a lot of people are having a hard time with birds lately. Strange...

After all of you swap peeps recommendations I did do an intense cleaning on the coop and even the dirt in the run. I got the field fenced off and free range the chickens when I can. I have been giving them that kefer (sp?) you all recommended too. They seem very healthy, even the young ones that I was worried about are looking great! But they are at least 25 weeks now and still no eggs which makes me worried they're still sick. :(
I have a question about polish. Is it harder or are they harder to hatch than other breeds? I just am not having much luck. Out of 3 different hatches, I have ended up with 4 birds. I hatched other types at the same time, with much better results with them. I have an incubator now that is full of EE's, Welsummers, polish, and Ams. All are developing great, except the polish. I think since not 1 of the polish are developing this time, they must have gotten xrayed.

Just curious and wondering if some breeds are harder to hatch than others?
I have a question about polish.  Is it harder or are they harder to hatch than other breeds? I just am not having much luck. Out of 3 different hatches, I have ended up with 4 birds. I hatched other types at the same time, with much better results with them. I have an incubator now that is full of EE's, Welsummers, polish, and Ams. All are developing great, except the polish. I think since not 1 of the polish are developing this time, they must have gotten xrayed. :barnie
Just curious and wondering if some breeds are harder to hatch than others?

I only have a pair of Polish and the hen doesn't know her job is to lay eggs. When I do actually get eggs from her, I have no problem hatching them. They are actually some of the eggs I can count on hatching. Keeping them alive is another story. I think I need a new line of GLP.

Iowa Blue eggs can be real tricky to hatch.
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