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Pauletta, Susan & Walli...your packages (non-egg items) went out this afternoon.

To anyone I still owe eggs to: Everyone is finally starting to finish molting & is getting back to laying
(Still waiting on Ducks, Silkies & Cochins) I got 4 eggs in the past 3 days, so I can at least get started on a couple of the Hen's Choice assortments soon. If anyone wants/needs to chose another item/s from my swap page instead of waiting on eggs just let me know. I know it's getting a bit late in the season for eggs for some of you.
Well I guess you call it retail therapy but I went to Atwoods and bought 13 Bantams chicks with feathered legs. Yup I have no idea what they are. But I love them.  Well we saw the Cardiologist today. Did not get MRI results yet Ugh. It was all so technical and scary that I think we should have listened to him twice to absorb it all. But he thinks DH may blockages in the rear of the heart and possibly a leak.  And something about a valve not closing every time it should. So he gets a echo cardio (ultra sound) tomorrow, a check for blood clots in his legs Wed and a stress test Monday. (But not the treadmill because of his feet).

I think we went into shock because you never think it could happen to you right?  Well it was a wake up call.   We both quit smoking today and the cardiologist said to go on the e-cigarette.  So I ran out and bought 2 for each of us and 15 refills each.  He also has high cholesterol, so my daughter inherited most everything in the pantry, freezer, refrigerator. Which gave me a good reason to clean shelves, defrost the up freezer and wipe down the frig...... Not sure what we will eat tomorrow LOL, because of the DR appt and the concrete men will be here all day for the new shop.  But a chicken salad sounds yummy.....:eek: .

It's funny how things work out.  Okay maybe not funny. But still. I guess we all need a reality check that we need to stop eating the "fried everything", the smoking, the drinking, get off the couch more, yadda, yadda, yadda..... You know, the things that are so fun or yummy. You know we always say "Life is good" and it is but at our age life is great if we take care of ourselves..

I am grateful the DR said anything he has wrong can be fixed :fl  and that we caught it before he had a heart attack.  so with that said I wish you all "my BYC family" good health!

Thank you go out to Kraftyladies, ColdupNorth and Crazypet lady. :hugs  :weee  Everything came in perfect and lovely. Love, love, love everything and truly appreciate you! 
Bless U!!!
Well I guess you call it retail therapy but I went to Atwoods and bought 13 Bantams chicks with feathered legs. Yup I have no idea what they are. But I love them. Well we saw the Cardiologist today. Did not get MRI results yet Ugh. It was all so technical and scary that I think we should have listened to him twice to absorb it all. But he thinks DH may blockages in the rear of the heart and possibly a leak. And something about a valve not closing every time it should. So he gets a echo cardio (ultra sound) tomorrow, a check for blood clots in his legs Wed and a stress test Monday. (But not the treadmill because of his feet).

I think we went into shock because you never think it could happen to you right? Well it was a wake up call. We both quit smoking today and the cardiologist said to go on the e-cigarette. So I ran out and bought 2 for each of us and 15 refills each. He also has high cholesterol, so my daughter inherited most everything in the pantry, freezer, refrigerator. Which gave me a good reason to clean shelves, defrost the up freezer and wipe down the frig...... Not sure what we will eat tomorrow LOL, because of the DR appt and the concrete men will be here all day for the new shop. But a chicken salad sounds yummy.....

It's funny how things work out. Okay maybe not funny. But still. I guess we all need a reality check that we need to stop eating the "fried everything", the smoking, the drinking, get off the couch more, yadda, yadda, yadda..... You know, the things that are so fun or yummy. You know we always say "Life is good" and it is but at our age life is great if we take care of ourselves..

I am grateful the DR said anything he has wrong can be fixed
and that we caught it before he had a heart attack. so with that said I wish you all "my BYC family" good health!

Thank you go out to Kraftyladies, ColdupNorth and Crazypet lady.
Everything came in perfect and lovely. Love, love, love everything and truly appreciate you!

very welcome! Glad things are looking better.....and fixable
Well I guess you call it retail therapy but I went to Atwoods and bought 13 Bantams chicks with feathered legs. Yup I have no idea what they are. But I love them.

I think we went into shock because you never think it could happen to you right? Well it was a wake up call. We both quit smoking today and the cardiologist said to go on the e-cigarette. So I ran out and bought 2 for each of us and 15 refills each. He also has high cholesterol, so my daughter inherited most everything in the pantry, freezer, refrigerator. Which gave me a good reason to clean shelves, defrost the up freezer and wipe down the frig...... Not sure what we will eat

I am grateful the DR said anything he has wrong can be fixed
and that we caught it before he had a heart attack. so with that said I wish you all "my BYC family" good health!
Therapy chicks!

One for each of you!!

Fixable is great news!

We'll be here pulling for you both!

....and that goes for all of you facing troubles of whatever type!
Pauletta, Susan & Walli...your packages (non-egg items) went out this afternoon.

To anyone I still owe eggs to: Everyone is finally starting to finish molting & is getting back to laying
(Still waiting on Ducks, Silkies & Cochins) I got 4 eggs in the past 3 days, so I can at least get started on a couple of the Hen's Choice assortments soon. If anyone wants/needs to chose another item/s from my swap page instead of waiting on eggs just let me know. I know it's getting a bit late in the season for eggs for some of you.
Late in the season?!?!?! For what?!?! There is a season for this? I am disappointed in you didn't people!!! Ya'll didn't tell me there was a season, nor have I even seen any such thing as an off button!
Not gonna look for one either. Gonna be a show called Chicken Hoarders or some such thing.....
Well I guess you call it retail therapy but I went to Atwoods and bought 13 Bantams chicks with feathered legs. Yup I have no idea what they are. But I love them. Well we saw the Cardiologist today. Did not get MRI results yet Ugh. It was all so technical and scary that I think we should have listened to him twice to absorb it all. But he thinks DH may blockages in the rear of the heart and possibly a leak. And something about a valve not closing every time it should. So he gets a echo cardio (ultra sound) tomorrow, a check for blood clots in his legs Wed and a stress test Monday. (But not the treadmill because of his feet).

I think we went into shock because you never think it could happen to you right? Well it was a wake up call. We both quit smoking today and the cardiologist said to go on the e-cigarette. So I ran out and bought 2 for each of us and 15 refills each. He also has high cholesterol, so my daughter inherited most everything in the pantry, freezer, refrigerator. Which gave me a good reason to clean shelves, defrost the up freezer and wipe down the frig...... Not sure what we will eat tomorrow LOL, because of the DR appt and the concrete men will be here all day for the new shop. But a chicken salad sounds yummy.....

It's funny how things work out. Okay maybe not funny. But still. I guess we all need a reality check that we need to stop eating the "fried everything", the smoking, the drinking, get off the couch more, yadda, yadda, yadda..... You know, the things that are so fun or yummy. You know we always say "Life is good" and it is but at our age life is great if we take care of ourselves..

I am grateful the DR said anything he has wrong can be fixed
and that we caught it before he had a heart attack. so with that said I wish you all "my BYC family" good health!

Thank you go out to Kraftyladies, ColdupNorth and Crazypet lady.
Everything came in perfect and lovely. Love, love, love everything and truly appreciate you!
You are welcome!

Wow - glad the DR was able to give you some answers and that things are fixable. You are an amazingly strong person and I am sure you DH is too, so this is definitely doable for both of you. I love your idea of therapy - chicks! Take care of yourself as you take care of DH
Late in the season?!?!?! For what?!?! There is a season for this? I am disappointed in you didn't people!!! Ya'll didn't tell me there was a season, nor have I even seen any such thing as an off button! :lau Not gonna look for one either. Gonna be a show called Chicken Hoarders or some such thing.....

Lol if someone shows up at the door with a camera I'm not answering.

I think only incubators above interstate 70 have off buttons. :D
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