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The chicks in my grandsons pre k class hatched yesterday. Same day a couple here hatched under a broody. The teacher has a Brinsea that holds 7 eggs and she had 6 so I gave her one of my sizzles eggs. It looks like it's gonna be a paint. She said she's gonna take the others home and keep the sizzle to be a class pet. I thought that was pretty cool. His teacher had came out to the house before he started school to hopefully get him used to her before he got dropped off with a bunch of kids and adults he didn't know. He took her around to all the pens and told her all about them. She liked the idea that most of my birds are friendly. So she wants the kids to get to know a friendly chicken.
I am so happy you guys like the scoops. They are pretty heavy duty IMO. [COLOR=800080]Thanks for the hugs !! You guys really lift my spirits.[/COLOR]   :love

And those e-cigarettes really are not bad.  I think it will be a smooth transition. It's still crazy around here. But um....if there is any chance I mailed you my car keys..... hollar and I will pay shipping. :th LOL

Good thing hubby has the second set.   Ever have a few of those days??  Oh by the way I too think those hats are ADORABLE!!!!!! So much talent!

I lose stuff all the time but what I lose the most is my mind.

I hope your keys weren't in the box of eggs I got. That has been burned already trying to clean a little for my parents visit this weekend.
I got my swap packages from CPL and clucknpeck! Thank you so much!!
I am so happy you guys like the scoops. They are pretty heavy duty IMO. [COLOR=800080]Thanks for the hugs !! You guys really lift my spirits.[/COLOR]   :love

And those e-cigarettes really are not bad.  I think it will be a smooth transition. It's still crazy around here. But um....if there is any chance I mailed you my car keys..... hollar and I will pay shipping. :th LOL

No, lol but someone sent me mis matched baby sox as stuffing. :p. I almost sent someone empty prescription bottles, ;)
For all of you waiting for the IKEA kid's dishes - I finally have them!
I'll be boxing them up and sending them tomorrow. I think(?) I bought 2 extra sets to put on my page and then there probably won't be any more until after Christmas. So if you want some, stalk me!
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