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Walli, I had to laugh when I saw your "Kentucky Highway!" Hillbilly Highway sounds more like it! :lol:

I will see if I can help too, but I have never gotten a smashed box. Our post office is great, and we must have a good sort center in Cincinnati. :D

I'm going to start sending and receiving all birds at Heathers PO if it's ok with her. Stuff actually gets delivered overnight to her PO while just a few miles down the road it takes an extra day.:rolleyes:
We just got a survey in the mail today from the USPS. They want to cut the hours of our local PO to 4/week day or close it down completely and use a contractor to provide services. IMO it is not the small local POs that are the problem - it is the large sort centers and contractors they already use. From the letter this sounds like it is going to be the trend across the country as the PO tries to cut costs.

USPS is holding a meeting at our city hall on Nov. 13 to talk about this POST Plan as they are calling it. So, I have this wild, grassroots, Save-the-Local-PO idea. I would love it if you all could write up your experiences with sending packages through the PO. Specifically how helpful your local PO is (this probably pertains to the small town POs most) and how frustrating the tracking system and delays at the large sort centers are (printing out the tracking info from their site would help if you can do it). Also letters and pictures about smashed packages. Please send them all to me before Nov. 13 and I will present them all to the Review Coordinator at the meeting. I am also toying with contacting my local and state representatives and the media to see if they would like to be at that meeting to get a copy of "what is wrong with our postal system". I really would like to hit them with both barrels at this meeting!
Please include your name and address (or at least city and state) on the letters.

I would love to flood them with boxes of letters. I think I am going to start a thread probably in the Random Ramblings section to hopefully get more BYCers involved. What do you think - can you guys help me out with this?

Here's the thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/714216/do-you-have-a-usps-shipping-story

Please send to:
I'll be getting a PO box to do this so my address isn't all over the internet - write your letters and stay tuned.
We got this same letter for our Post Office. I appreciate our small town post office and the people that work there because they are very conscientious. I like your idea!
I'm going to start sending and receiving all birds at Heathers PO if it's ok with her. Stuff actually gets delivered overnight to her PO while just a few miles down the road it takes an extra day.
Fine with me!
I wonder if it's because I'm in Ohio and you're in Indiana? Our stuff goes through Cincinnati and yours goes through Indianapolis.
I forgot to post that I got my jams and jellies from chicken stalker and my patterns from kraftyladies last week. Sorry, they're keeping me very busy tracking the Paypal/Hatching Eggs Swap!
The jams and jellies look divine and all made it unharmed (I just had to buy extra from her as she has such yummy flavors!
) Thank you, kraftyladies for the extra fabric panel - my kids love cats!
All my honey swaps are boxed, and I was going to drop them off at the PO today, but I forgot it is Columbus Day.
Has anyone heard from 202roosterlane? I hope her DH is okay. I sent a PM and got no reply. She could just be busy, I hope thats the case anyway. If anybody keeps in touch with her could I get an update?
Has anyone heard from 202roosterlane? I hope her DH is okay. I sent a PM and got no reply. She could just be busy, I hope thats the case anyway. If anybody keeps in touch with her could I get an update?

I saw some posts on FB..her DH is home. I am sure she is super busy with his recuperation.
I saw some posts on FB..her DH is home. I am sure she is super busy with his recuperation.
Thank you for the update. I don't do facebook, so I didn't know. I am glad to know he is home.

202roosterlane - in case you are reading this, I am still praying for you and your DH. We miss you!
She had sent me a PM about shipping a swap to me and sent the DC#. She said her husband was coming home on saturday. I'm glad because coming home is always good. With experience with when my brother had heart surgery when they come home it can be very exhausting. I don't want to stress her at all. My package is missing. MIA. one might say. When I first checked the DC# it said it had been accepted but it is over a week late and yesterday when I rechecked the DC# it had no record of it. My concern is more for her husband than a dumb ol package but when I sent her the message asking to recheck the # I haven't heard anything and was worried something may be wrong on the home front. I was wondering if everything is ok on a more personal level than worrying about the package. I was hoping somebody was close to her that may know. My prayers are still going out to her and her husband for a quick and full recovery. When I go to the PO in the morning i'll just get them to handle that end of it so she can concentrate on her husbands recovery and not be bothered with a dumb ol box.
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