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She had sent me a PM about shipping a swap to me and sent the DC#. She said her husband was coming home on saturday. I'm glad because coming home is always good. With experience with when my brother had heart surgery when they come home it can be very exhausting. I don't want to stress her at all. My package is missing. MIA. one might say. When I first checked the DC# it said it had been accepted but it is over a week late and yesterday when I rechecked the DC# it had no record of it. My concern is more for her husband than a dumb ol package but when I sent her the message asking to recheck the # I haven't heard anything and was worried something may be wrong on the home front. I was wondering if everything is ok on a more personal level than worrying about the package. I was hoping somebody was close to her that may know. My prayers are still going out to her and her husband for a quick and full recovery. When I go to the PO in the morning i'll just get them to handle that end of it so she can concentrate on her husbands recovery and not be bothered with a dumb ol box.
I had one go MIA from her also; so there must be some problems at her post office or the sorting facitility. I'm not worried about mine either, because I want her to concentrate on taking care of her hubby and herself. Definitely important and I'm sure the prayers must help. Hope you are successful at the PO
We have another long time member with some health issues I don't know if they want it known but I think those who pray can add this person to their prayer list without a name.
Thanks for letting us know. I know I will say an extra prayer.
We have another long time member with some health issues I don't know if they want it known but I think those who pray can add this person to their prayer list without a name.
In an Italian, New Yorker voice, "YOU TAWKIN' BOUT ME?"
I don't mind it being said. I can use all the prayers I can get.
Pauletta posted on facebook that she was tired. She did get some rest and reposted that the rest did help her. I think they have a long road and tall staircase in front of them. I keep them in my thoughts all the time. I wish them nothing but the best.
In an Italian, New Yorker voice, "YOU TAWKIN' BOUT ME?"
I don't mind it being said. I can use all the prayers I can get.
Pauletta posted on facebook that she was tired. She did get some rest and reposted that the rest did help her. I think they have a long road and tall staircase in front of them. I keep them in my thoughts all the time.  I wish them nothing but the best.

Yep it's you.
I had one go MIA from her also; so there must be some problems at her post office or the sorting facitility. I'm not worried about mine either, because I want her to concentrate on taking care of her hubby and herself. Definitely important and I'm sure the prayers must help. Hope you are successful at the PO

All I have to do is bring them the DC# and they'll get on the phone and track it down if they can. They've done it before.
Hi Everyone been MIA but wanted to give you a short update on butter. She/He is doing well and growing , the hip looks a little more painfull now that she is bigger but dosnt seem to be to bad I will watch and make shure it dosnt get out of hand. I am crossing my fingers and toes its a girl becuase I dont need another crowing rooster in my little apartment lol

Any thoughts on gender?
In an Italian, New Yorker voice, "YOU TAWKIN' BOUT ME?"
I don't mind it being said. I can use all the prayers I can get.
Pauletta posted on facebook that she was tired. She did get some rest and reposted that the rest did help her. I think they have a long road and tall staircase in front of them. I keep them in my thoughts all the time. I wish them nothing but the best.
I will be praying for you too, then.
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