Whats a better excuse to order more chicks

We were eating dinner and my husband said he would like more chicken. I got up, sent a text to the local guy that has Buff Orp chicks hatching on xmas, and told him I wanted four of them.

Well, he meant he wanted more of the baked chicken that we had for dinner. oops.
eww I am so happy for you. I want to get some hatching eggs and I am trying to be strong. I have like 30 now and I have a sick bird and lost one a while ago so I am dealing with making sure it is not a contagiousness so I will just live though you when you get your babies, post lots of pictures I am so excited for you..
even if we get out of chickens I will still look to see happy new families with baby chickes I think they are one of Gods cutestes little things.
I have had chicks now for 5 days.I think I could do this year round!!I think I can justify it by canceling cable tv.Who needs a remote when you have CHICKTV???
aww cool - i have had dister with my chickens recently the fox got the whole flock and then i got babies and 3 out of the five didnt make it i am praying with the two i have left. I have the same excuse i need more chicks. laughing at the posts were someone wants chicken so its taken as we need more chicks lol i am thinking of ordering eggs?


may babies fingers crossed they make it and they arent diseased.

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