What's a chicken breed that you WOULD you own again?


In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2022
Australia, QLD
I've seen a thread going around on chicken breeds that you would not own again, but what about the ones you would?

I'll start this off, personally for me polish. I have one now and she is the friendliest, cutest, and funniest chicken I have EVER had. She has a funny thing about crocs and when you wear them into her cage she will come up to them and attack them. And when you sit still in the cage she will hover around you, peck at you or even climb up your back and sit on your head, She also jumps in your lap sometimes. It's so funny, especially cause we didn't handle her much as a chick, so we don't know why she's so tame?!

Anyway, What's a chicken breed you WOULD own again?

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