What's Everyone doing to keep chicks cool in this heat???

I like the idea of the burlap - it's breathable - unlike a tarp that can sometimes amplify the heat even though it's providing shade.
I let mine out from morning till night (Even when we're not home!) They do have shade in the coop but to me it's just not enough! They LOVE hanging out under the shed where there's nice cool dirt!!

We still have our chicks in the brooder/coop, they just reached 4 weeks 7/15/14. I've been worried seeing them panting in the mid-day heat, so I got creative and worked up this ice rock for them to cool down on.
I grabbed an empty hummus container from the recycle bin, washed it out, added a rock from the garden and filled it with water to about half way up the rock and put it in the freezer.
The next day took it out of the freezer, added some pine shavings on top of the ice and put it down in the coop for the chicks to enjoy!
They just loved it and within 1/2 an hour were sitting, standing and pecking at the cool ice. It lasted a couple of hours and was perfect to help cool them down during the hottest part of the day.
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I freeze water in Tupperware then pop them out and put the giant ice cubes on a shallow baking tray with a little water. They love to walk through and drink the water and some of them have started liking standing on top of the ice. The nice thing about the bigger block of ice is that is lasts all through the hottest part of the day, also it helps the ice last longer if it is in the shade. I did try little ice cubes but they melt fast, although it was funny to see them run with and fight over the tiny melted ice. :) This trick got them through the last 2 weeks when we had temps up to 110F.

Also if you want to make it more fun, put a little chopped up fruit or other snacks in the ice for a chick-sickle. They love trying to pick the goodies out of the ice.
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Hi, I am in Wilmington, so I know it's hot where you are. I am a new chicken mom, with 8 Buff Orphington's and am very concerned after reading some post about chicks not making it. Mine are 6 weeks old today. Their run is in the shade most of the day. The top is covered with lattice that has 1/4" chicken wire stapled to it. I may have gone overboard, but I have read so many post about raccoons and other critters getting them.

I digress here:
Instead of putting 1/4" or half inch wire 12" down from the bottom of the run, I went to Habitat for Humanity and got that plastic coated metal shelves that were exactly 12" and put them down outside the run, tons cheaper that way and worked out beautifully. At the cost of about $10 for a 12ft x 15ft run.

So what are you doing to keep them cool, cause fans just blow hot air. I have tons of water bottles that I put in their water throughout the day. I wish I could take them to beach like my dogs, ha wouldn't that be a hoot. Thought about a water mister, but don't want a huge water bill, have tried putting them in a shallow water pan, and they weren't happy about that. I am out there at least every hour checking on them, and they are digging holes to Australia in the run.

Any advice would be appreciated :)

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