Whats getting my ducks !!

i live in michigan too, i didn’t see it but one of my ducks got killed. my dad said it ripped part of her open but didn’t eat her. we believe it was a raccoon. maybe same thing?
As heartbreaking as this is, im hoping it is a raccoon and not a drake. Ill move them tonight and set a live trap. Wait to see what in it.
Sorry to hear of your loss. If you are having poultry being killed and opened up by a predator?
1. Could be one of your other Poultry going rogue, but not likely.
2. Weasels and Mink are two predators that are small and can squeeze into very small holes to get at a mouse. Also known to go after poultry if the opportunity is available.
3. Snake? may bite a poultry and kill it but won't feast on it and leave. A Python of some sort will want to swallow the bird whole over feasting on it.
My guess and I could be wrong. Weasel or Mink if you are not finding a big enough hole for a Raccoon or something else of that size to fit through.
Some type of a trail camera could be a big help if this continues and you can not figure it out? Good Luck and please keep us posted.
I guarantee its not a drake that did that! Where you are most likely has minks, ferrets, and creatures like that correct? I would bet one of them got in there and they are horrid vicious things. Chicken wire does absolutely nothing but keeps ducks "inside" the enclosure. Just about anything can rip that off and small things like minks can just squeeze through the holes. You are going to need to invest in some hardware cloth, at least 1/2" and secure your run and pen.

I'm so sorry this has happened to your ducks but now you've learned. You've got to predator-proof this area for real.

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