What's in a Username??

This is Jacky, and I am her Mamma (since she was 2 days old!)

I have had the nickname "Calamity" as in Calamity Jane, since my firefighter days, when I was always in the middle of the fights, the scraps and the chaos. My commander saw me coming in to his office one day, scuffed up and dirty, and looking like I knew I was in for a butt chewing, and he said,"What did you do now, Calamity?" and it stuck. I was called that for the duration of my public safety career, but my name is Jennifer.
Gotta say, the nickname fits and I have always taken pride in it.
This is probably going to be hard to believe but....My first name starts with a D and my last name is Evans and i was born in 1987! Pretty complicated right???
coffee=because I was a barista for many years, girl=because I'm a girl-well really a woman, and 78 for the year I was born.

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