What's in the moat?

What happens when you drop a calf? Can't it get up
by itself? Must be some strange kind of Florida cow...
I've seen calfs up here fall over. They just get up and
trot off.

And you don't NEED a zoo in Flordia. Just walk around the
yard...'gators, snakes, spiders....
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Dear Queen Em,

That picture could be any old picture. No date.

But if you're holding him for ransom, let us know.
There are alot of us and if we pool our money, we
could probably raise eight, nine, maybe even ten

Concerned Citizen
You didn't really think that would stop it, did you, Em?
Next thing you know, Em will be trying to pass off
some photo-shopped picture. If we see the same
picture tomorrow with a newspaper in it....
How can we find out how many members are in the Orlando
area? Who can we get to sneak in and rescue Terry?

We need a plan to distract Em while Terry makes a break for

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