What's in the moat?

why sure on the floating bar. We even have organic bar soap that can be safely used in the fresh water moat. The brand name is 'Chum'.
Yes, 'Al' to some it seems to be yummy. An all over lather prior to entering the moat is recommended - also throwing small chunks of Chum into the moat prior to entering is a common ritual.

wonder how to get chucks of chum off of the bar of Chum soap and into the moat...


to tricky, come now Sour, you know Alaskan has hand problems...


Alaskan is now going to march up to the Northern gate and yell at the snow

bye bye moat!
Yell through the gate if you want to, Alaskan, but please - don't open it! The last time you did that, we had snow all over the kingdom, and Wisher almost lost her head in a snowball fight.
Who the heck opened the North gate?
Snow has drifted into the Kingdom, and the fresh water moat has a skiff of ice on it. Hopefully nothing was chilled to death.

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