What's in the moat?

Since G-Man is actually "unaccustomed" to conducting any serious form of PHYSICAL LABOR .....

I thought I should show him a picture of the type of TOOL he will need for the new MOAT/BOG:

It is called an "Axe-Mattock".....

I'll BET that the (Royal) Moat-Mucker has never SEEN one....( much less USED one...)

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
Well, it wouldn't surprise me if G hasn't been doing any work, since he didn't even know about the second moat...
Shovels, shovels? I can help.
Shovels, shovels? I can help.


After work one day (years ago)...I went to the local PUB for a couple of beers.

When I went in, I noticed a friend's pickup there...with his shovel and pick lying in the pickup bed (NOT in his "locked tool box" which also sat in his pickup bed ).

I mentioned this to him when I sat down inside the PUB...suggesting the possibility that someone MIGHT STEAL THOSE TOOLS....

He said, "Any da__ned FOOL than would steal a Pick and a Shovel.....deserves them !!! "

( On reflection....I think he was right. )

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
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A part of me regrets that a creature that spectacular had to die. How old must that fish have been?

Could you imagine her and her consorts in our moat?
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