What's in the moat?

Sure you're sane JD...as sane as anyone that lives
"further down the rabbit hole'".

We would give you one of those I.Q. test I've heard about.
...but we couldn't tell if you passed anyway.

And Em...Spook is never the ringleader.
I don't go near the moat...I'm plumb scared of being
de-moated from my official position.
Something actually scares the Spook?!? Interesting. *scribbles on his note pad*
NARRATOR: A scurring happens down in the oubliette.Then a groaning and a yawn. As Gman awakes he smells a smell hes smelled before while smelling around the moats....
........a lion?....no
.......an Ox?...no
....A skunk? ...NO
...a cucarocha?...no

......a Bunny?...ok...ok.....

a grin grows on Gmans face that can only be compared to the grinch,as he drools ravenously,awaiting the ill fate of bunny and the taste of sweet hosenfeffer.
These are desperate times for Gman and he takes the most desperate measures.He tears off his moustache and twines it ever so thin but tight,ties the leftover carrots that was the daily trash,but his meal last night,that was served with fish heads and stale bread.Then with batman-like powers, slings the moustache-rope up to the top of the oubliette and waits for the victim-bunny to trigger the trap. In a hungry motion,Gman shakes and is daydreaming in anticipation of fresh rabbit.......
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Hello, what's that? That wasn't there before.

Carrots, down here? Ewww, those have been here a while.

Is that a shoestring? No, it's, um, something coarse, looks like . . . hair? Ow, that had to hurt.

*sniff, sniff* Thought so.


Gman? Does this mean you want your meals served down here again? I'll do it, but if I hear you say "my precious" one more time, I'll get JD to bring them. I doubt you'll find him anywhere near as much fun to play games with. When you're ready to come out, let me know, but I'm warning you, if you don't stop trying to snare me, I'm going to close this trapdoor. I'm going to close the outer door, we mustn't have anyone else falling in there. If there's anything you need, just holler, someone will hear you eventually. Back in a bit!

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