What's in your backyard?

Big garden for the city, we've got. Half of it is covered in one enormous veggie patch that transverses all things that try to stop its spread, including the chicken enclosure. One part set aside for the chooks, with a coop and and big free-ranging area.
Many, many fruit trees grace us with their presence. Grapefruits, loquats, grape vines, apple, pear, fig... late summer is a really fun time of year!

It's weird, finding all this in the middle of the city. Some things surprise me
hmmm. a red pole shed, a red barn, a 5th wheel camper, two stinky dogs, an antique corn sheller, a vegetable garden, 4 wheeler, bunch of cows, patio set, kids swingset, and toys littered as far as the eye can see
Back yard...I have 4 koi ponds (9000 gallons, 5000 gallons, 4600 gallons and 1300 gallons) a babbling brook, a pond for my turtles, and lots of plants. Beyond that it's 300 yards to a clearing where we watch deer and turkeys. In the front yard I have my sheep pastures and chicken pen. To the left is where my adult children live with their spouses and my sweet grandchild. I love my life here in the country.
Sheds, coops, woods, goats, dogs and cats. Oh and lots of birds flying around. lawnmowers and all kinds of lumber and a huge satelite dish my DH says he is going to make into a gazebo for me.
Been sayng that for 4 yrs now. LOL
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My husband's projects

The kids' treehouse project, the garden project, the barn project, the jeep willys project, the fiat project.

Ahh the life as the wife of a carpenter.
Live on .33acre and the back is fenced with 6" privacy fence in subdivision on a corner. I have a 8x10 garden shed, gas & charcoal grills, 2 dwarf apple trees, above ground pond made from a stock tank with water lilies in it and the top section of pond has a cat tail I got out of a ditch, water celery, umbrella palm and a lotus I started from a seed this spring (it's growing like mad), blueberry bushes, blackberry & raspberry canes along back fence, gardenias, hydrangeas and roses elsewhere, 3 raised garden beds that I am fighting the fire-ants for, a 10x10 chicken kennel and their coop, 4 BOs the neighbors have no idea are even in my yard, & finally 2 dogs (actually indoor dogs but they like being outside if it isn't to hot here).

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