Whats my roo?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2022
Hi! I'm hoping someone can help finally lay my confusion to rest. I'll give a small back story on my roo. Cogburn adopted us back in late October of '21. We own a 2 acre corner lot that backs up to 40+ acres of hunting land in Alabama. We would hear him crow throughout the day in the woods and at night would find his way to our back yard where he would fly up and roost in a gumball tree that was located in a 200 sq. ft. pen that was used for dogs by previous owners. After a week or 2 of this routine he just decided to stay in the pen and within the next week I got to work putting a place together where he could call home. I even had a friend who gifted me 4 hens to keep him company! I estimated him to be a little less than a year old. I just don't know what breed he is, and every time I think I've found his breed then some characteristic or traitss don't match to his and I find myself back at square one. So I'll share pics and list a few of his characteristics/ traits that stick out to me down below and please don't hesitate to tell me what you think. At this point I feel he could be a mixed breed but google is less than helpful in that area too.

He has a Rose comb that does not come to a point but lays flat all the way to the back of his head.
I don't know his measurements exactly, but I'd say he's rather large. Probably about 11-13 lbs.
He stands at probably 2 ft. tall. (He's not the nicest, so I don't get many opportunities for measurements)
His sickles recently turned from black to almost white and he has beautiful black/green saddle feathers. The last 2 pics are my most recent of him (April) and the others are from November to December. You could use my Plymouth barred and australorp for comparison. They were about 6 months old in November.

Thanks for any feedback!


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Hi! I'm hoping someone can help finally lay my confusion to rest. I'll give a small back story on my roo. Cogburn adopted us back in late October of '21. We own a 2 acre corner lot that backs up to 40+ acres of hunting land in Alabama. We would hear him crow throughout the day in the woods and at night would find his way to our back yard where he would fly up and roost in a gumball tree that was located in a 200 sq. ft. pen that was used for dogs by previous owners. After a week or 2 of this routine he just decided to stay in the pen and within the next week I got to work putting a place together where he could call home. I even had a friend who gifted me 4 hens to keep him company! I estimated him to be a little less than a year old. I just don't know what breed he is, and every time I think I've found his breed then some characteristic or traitss don't match to his and I find myself back at square one. So I'll share pics and list a few of his characteristics/ traits that stick out to me down below and please don't hesitate to tell me what you think. At this point I feel he could be a mixed breed but google is less than helpful in that area too.

He has a Rose comb that does not come to a point but lays flat all the way to the back of his head.
I don't know his measurements exactly, but I'd say he's rather large. Probably about 11-13 lbs.
He stands at probably 2 ft. tall. (He's not the nicest, so I don't get many opportunities for measurements)
His sickles recently turned from black to almost white and he has beautiful black/green saddle feathers. The last 2 pics are my most recent of him (April) and the others are from November to December. You could use my Plymouth barred and australorp for comparison. They were about 6 months old in November.

Thanks for any feedback!
I think there's an extra photo in there...
Thank you very much! Ill tell him you said so. :D I thought he might have been. I thought blue wyandotte for a while but his sickles are incredibly long, the pics don't do them justice. And I took that extra pic out, thanks for telling me! Ha!
Thank you very much! Ill tell him you said so. :D I thought he might have been. I thought blue wyandotte for a while but his sickles are incredibly long, the pics don't do them justice. And I took that extra pic out, thanks for telling me! Ha!
Yeah, he does! He can't be purebred, though, because of his white skin. (Pure Wyandottes always have yellow) But he looks a lot like one!
Right! Just another trait that didn't match up. He's a great rooster to my girls and they love him back. Maybe after mating season is over, he'll calm down a little and I can work with him on his aggression. He's not nice BUT he is a rooster after all.
Right! Just another trait that didn't match up. He's a great rooster to my girls and they love him back. Maybe after mating season is over, he'll calm down a little and I can work with him on his aggression. He's not nice BUT he is a rooster after all.
Yeah. I hope! Nice backstory, too.

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